start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=10 cd-vols= no-issue=13 article-no= start-page=e34206 end-page= dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2024 dt-pub=20240715 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Resolvin D2-induced reparative dentin and pulp stem cells after pulpotomy in a rat model en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=Introduction: Vital pulp therapy (VPT) is performed to preserve dental pulp. However, the biocompatibility of the existing materials is of concern. Therefore, novel materials that can induce pulp healing without adverse effects need to be developed. Resolvin D2 (RvD2), one of specialized pro-resolving mediators, can resolve inflammation and promote the healing of periapical lesions. Therefore, RvD2 may be suitable for use in VPT. In the present study, we evaluated the efficacy of RvD2 against VPT using in vivo and in vitro models.
Methods: First molars of eight-week-old male Sprague?Dawley rats were used for pulpotomy. They were then divided into three treatment groups: RvD2, phosphate-buffered saline, and calcium hydroxide groups. Treatment results were assessed using radiological, histological, and immunohistochemical (GPR18, TNF-ƒ¿, Ki67, VEGF, TGF-ƒÀ, CD44, CD90, and TRPA1) analyses. Dental pulp-derived cells were treated with RvD2 in vitro and analyzed using cell-proliferation and cell-migration assays, real-time PCR (Gpr18, Tnf-ƒ¿, Il-1ƒÀ, Tgf-ƒÀ, Vegf, Nanog, and Trpa1), ELISA (VEGF and TGF-ƒÀ), immunocytochemistry (TRPA1), and flow cytometry (dental pulp stem cells: DPSCs).
Results: The formation of calcified tissue in the pulp was observed in the RvD2 and calcium hydroxide groups. RvD2 inhibited inflammation in dental pulp cells. RvD2 promoted cell proliferation and migration and the expression of TGF-ƒÀ and VEGF in vitro and in vivo. RvD2 increased the number of DPSCs. In addition, RvD2 suppressed TRPA1 expression as a pain receptor.
Conclusion: RvD2 induced the formation of reparative dentin, anti-inflammatory effects, and decreased pain, along with the proliferation of DPSCs via the expression of VEGF and TGF-ƒÀ, on the pulp surface in pulpotomy models. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=YonedaMitsuhiro en-aut-sei=Yoneda en-aut-mei=Mitsuhiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=IdeguchiHidetaka en-aut-sei=Ideguchi en-aut-mei=Hidetaka kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=NakamuraShin en-aut-sei=Nakamura en-aut-mei=Shin kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=AriasZulema en-aut-sei=Arias en-aut-mei=Zulema kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= en-aut-name=OnoMitsuaki en-aut-sei=Ono en-aut-mei=Mitsuaki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=5 ORCID= en-aut-name=OmoriKazuhiro en-aut-sei=Omori en-aut-mei=Kazuhiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=6 ORCID= en-aut-name=YamamotoTadashi en-aut-sei=Yamamoto en-aut-mei=Tadashi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=7 ORCID= en-aut-name=TakashibaShogo en-aut-sei=Takashiba en-aut-mei=Shogo kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=8 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Periodontics and Endodontics, Division of Dentistry, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology-Periodontal Science, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Department of Oral Science and Translational Research, College of Dental Medicine, Nova Southeastern University kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology-Periodontal Science, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=5 en-affil=Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=6 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology-Periodontal Science, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=7 en-affil=The Center for Graduate Medical Education (Dental Division), Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=8 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology-Periodontal Science, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= en-keyword=Dental pulp kn-keyword=Dental pulp en-keyword=Regeneration kn-keyword=Regeneration en-keyword=Pulp-capping agents kn-keyword=Pulp-capping agents en-keyword=Specialized pro-resolving mediators kn-keyword=Specialized pro-resolving mediators en-keyword=Resolvin D2 kn-keyword=Resolvin D2 en-keyword=Calcification kn-keyword=Calcification en-keyword=Cytokine kn-keyword=Cytokine en-keyword=TRPA1 kn-keyword=TRPA1 en-keyword=Animal model kn-keyword=Animal model END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=10 cd-vols= no-issue=11 article-no= start-page=e31872 end-page= dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2024 dt-pub=20240615 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Bacterial DNA and serum IgG antibody titer assays for assessing infection of human-pathogenic and dog-pathogenic Porphyromonas species in dogs en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=Periodontal disease is highly prevalent in both humans and dogs. Although there have been reports of cross-infection of periodontopathic bacteria, methods for assessing it have yet to be established. The actual status of cross-infection remains to be seen. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the utility of bacterial DNA and serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody titer assays to assess infection of human-pathogenic and dog-pathogenic Porphyromonas species in dogs. Four experimental beagles were used for establishing methods. Sixty-six companion dogs at veterinary clinics visiting for treatment and prophylaxis of periodontal disease were used and divided into healthy, gingivitis, and periodontitis groups. Periodontal pathogens such as Porphyromonas gingivalis and Porphyromonas gulae were investigated as target bacteria. DNA levels of both bacteria were measured using species-specific primers designed for real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Serum IgG titers of both bacteria were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
PCR primers were confirmed to have high sensitivity and specificity. However, there was no relationship between the amount of bacterial DNA and the severity of the periodontal disease. In addition, dogs with periodontitis had higher IgG titers against both bacteria compared to dogs in the healthy and gingivitis groups; there was cross-reactivity between the two bacteria. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis of IgG titers against both bacteria showed high sensitivity (>90 %) and specificity (>75 %). Since both bacteria were distinguished by DNA assays, the combination of these assays may be useful in the evaluation of cross-infection. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=Tai-TokuzenMasako en-aut-sei=Tai-Tokuzen en-aut-mei=Masako kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=ItoTakashi en-aut-sei=Ito en-aut-mei=Takashi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=TamuraKazuya en-aut-sei=Tamura en-aut-mei=Kazuya kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=HirayamaHaruko en-aut-sei=Hirayama en-aut-mei=Haruko kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= en-aut-name=OgawaHirohito en-aut-sei=Ogawa en-aut-mei=Hirohito kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=5 ORCID= en-aut-name=NakamuraShin en-aut-sei=Nakamura en-aut-mei=Shin kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=6 ORCID= en-aut-name=OkuboKeisuke en-aut-sei=Okubo en-aut-mei=Keisuke kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=7 ORCID= en-aut-name=OmoriKazuhiro en-aut-sei=Omori en-aut-mei=Kazuhiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=8 ORCID= en-aut-name=YamamotoTadashi en-aut-sei=Yamamoto en-aut-mei=Tadashi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=9 ORCID= en-aut-name=MominokiKatsumi en-aut-sei=Mominoki en-aut-mei=Katsumi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=10 ORCID= en-aut-name=TakashibaShogo en-aut-sei=Takashiba en-aut-mei=Shogo kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=11 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Periodontics and Endodontics, Division of Dentistry, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Center for Innovative Clinical Medicine, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology-Periodontal Science, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Department of Animal Resources, Advanced Science Research Center, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=5 en-affil=Department of Virology, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=6 en-affil=Center for Collaborative Research, Department of Oral Science and Translational Research, Nova Southeastern University kn-affil= affil-num=7 en-affil=Department of Periodontics and Endodontics, Division of Dentistry, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=8 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology-Periodontal Science, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil= affil-num=9 en-affil=Department of Comprehensive Dentistry, The Center for Graduate Medical Education (Dental Division), Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=10 en-affil=Department of Animal Resources, Advanced Science Research Center, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=11 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology-Periodontal Science, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil= en-keyword=Cross infection kn-keyword=Cross infection en-keyword=Human and dog kn-keyword=Human and dog en-keyword=Periodontal disease kn-keyword=Periodontal disease en-keyword=Porphyromonas gingivalis kn-keyword=Porphyromonas gingivalis en-keyword=Porphyromonas gulae kn-keyword=Porphyromonas gulae en-keyword=Detection assay kn-keyword=Detection assay END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=23 cd-vols= no-issue=1 article-no= start-page=843 end-page= dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2023 dt-pub=20231108 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Ligneous periodontitis exacerbated by Beh?etfs disease in a patient with plasminogen deficiency and a stop-gained variant PLG c.1468C?>?T: a case report en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=Background Plasminogen serves as the precursor to plasmin, an essential element in the fibrinolytic process, and is synthesized primarily in the liver. Plasminogen activation occurs through the action of plasminogen activator, converting it into plasmin. This conversion greatly enhances the fibrinolytic system within tissues and blood vessels, facilitating the dissolution of fibrin clots. Consequently, congenital deficiency of plasminogen results in impaired fibrin degradation. Patients with plasminogen deficiency typically exhibit fibrin deposits in various mucosal sites throughout the body, including the oral cavity, eyes, vagina, and digestive organs. Behcet's disease is a chronic recurrent systemic inflammatory disease with four main symptoms: aphthous ulcers of the oral mucosa, vulvar ulcers, skin symptoms, and eye symptoms, and has been reported worldwide. This disease is highly prevalent around the Silk Road from the Mediterranean to East Asia.
We report a case of periodontitis in a patient with these two rare diseases that worsened quickly, leading to alveolar bone destruction. Genetic testing revealed a novel variant characterized by a stop-gain mutation, which may be a previously unidentified etiologic gene associated with decreased plasminogen activity.
Case presentation This case report depicts a patient diagnosed with ligneous gingivitis during childhood, originating from plasminogen deficiency and progressing to periodontitis. Genetic testing revealed a suspected association with the PLG c.1468C?>?T (p.Arg490*) stop-gain mutation. The patient's periodontal condition remained stable with brief intervals of supportive periodontal therapy. However, the emergence of Beh?et's disease induced acute systemic inflammation, necessitating hospitalization and treatment with steroids. During hospitalization, the dental approach focused on maintaining oral hygiene and alleviating contact-related pain. The patient's overall health improved with inpatient care and the periodontal tissues deteriorated.
Conclusions Collaborative efforts between medical and dental professionals are paramount in comprehensively evaluating and treating patients with intricate complications from rare diseases. Furthermore, the PLG c.1468C?>?T (p.Arg490*) stop-gain mutation could contribute to the association between plasminogen deficiency and related conditions. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=Shinoda-ItoYuki en-aut-sei=Shinoda-Ito en-aut-mei=Yuki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=HiraiAnna en-aut-sei=Hirai en-aut-mei=Anna kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=OmoriKazuhiro en-aut-sei=Omori en-aut-mei=Kazuhiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=IdeguchiHidetaka en-aut-sei=Ideguchi en-aut-mei=Hidetaka kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= en-aut-name=YamamotoHideki en-aut-sei=Yamamoto en-aut-mei=Hideki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=5 ORCID= en-aut-name=KatoFumino en-aut-sei=Kato en-aut-mei=Fumino kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=6 ORCID= en-aut-name=ObataKyoichi en-aut-sei=Obata en-aut-mei=Kyoichi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=7 ORCID= en-aut-name=OgawaTatsuo en-aut-sei=Ogawa en-aut-mei=Tatsuo kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=8 ORCID= en-aut-name=NakanoKeisuke en-aut-sei=Nakano en-aut-mei=Keisuke kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=9 ORCID= en-aut-name=NakadoiTakato en-aut-sei=Nakadoi en-aut-mei=Takato kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=10 ORCID= en-aut-name=KatsuyamaEri en-aut-sei=Katsuyama en-aut-mei=Eri kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=11 ORCID= en-aut-name=IbaragiSoichiro en-aut-sei=Ibaragi en-aut-mei=Soichiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=12 ORCID= en-aut-name=YamamotoTadashi en-aut-sei=Yamamoto en-aut-mei=Tadashi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=13 ORCID= en-aut-name=NagatsukaHitoshi en-aut-sei=Nagatsuka en-aut-mei=Hitoshi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=14 ORCID= en-aut-name=HirasawaAkira en-aut-sei=Hirasawa en-aut-mei=Akira kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=15 ORCID= en-aut-name=TakashibaShogo en-aut-sei=Takashiba en-aut-mei=Shogo kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=16 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology?Periodontal Science, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Department of Periodontics and Endodontics, Division of Dentistry, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology?Periodontal Science, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Department of Periodontics and Endodontics, Division of Dentistry, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=5 en-affil=Department of Clinical Genomic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=6 en-affil=Department of Clinical Genomic Medicine, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=7 en-affil=Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=8 en-affil=Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=9 en-affil=Department of Oral Pathology and Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=10 en-affil=The Center for Graduate Medical Education (Dental Division), Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=11 en-affil=Department of Nephrology, Rheumatology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=12 en-affil=Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=13 en-affil=The Center for Graduate Medical Education (Dental Division), Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=14 en-affil=Department of Oral Pathology and Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=15 en-affil=Department of Clinical Genomic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=16 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology?Periodontal Science, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= en-keyword=Ligneous periodontitis kn-keyword=Ligneous periodontitis en-keyword=Plasminogen deficiency kn-keyword=Plasminogen deficiency en-keyword=PLG kn-keyword=PLG en-keyword=Behcet's disease kn-keyword=Behcet's disease en-keyword=Gingival hyperplasia kn-keyword=Gingival hyperplasia END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=9 cd-vols= no-issue=3 article-no= start-page=314 end-page= dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2023 dt-pub=20230303 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=The Fungal Metabolite (+)-Terrein Abrogates Inflammatory Bone Resorption via the Suppression of TNF-ƒ¿ Production in a Ligature-Induced Periodontitis Mouse Model en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=Current periodontal treatment focuses on the mechanical removal of the source of infection, such as bacteria and their products, and there is no approach to control the host inflammatory response that leads to tissue destruction. In order to control periodontal inflammation, we have previously reported the optimization of (+)-terrein synthesis methods and the inhibitory effect of (+)-terrein on osteoclast differentiation in vitro. However, the pharmacological effect of (+)-terrein in vivo in the periodontitis model is still unknown. In this study, we investigated the effect of synthetic (+)-terrein on inflammatory bone resorption using a ligature-induced periodontitis mouse model. Synthetic (+)-terrein (30 mg/kg) was administered intraperitoneally twice a week to the mouse periodontitis model. The control group was treated with phosphate buffer. One to two weeks after the induction of periodontitis, the periodontal tissues were harvested for radiological evaluation (micro-CT), histological evaluation (HE staining and TRAP staining), and the evaluation of inflammatory cytokine production in the periodontal tissues and serum (quantitative reverse-transcription PCR, ELISA). The synthetic (+)-terrein-treated group suppressed alveolar bone resorption and the number of osteoclasts in the periodontal tissues compared to the control group (p < 0.05). In addition, synthetic (+)-terrein significantly suppressed both mRNA expression of TNF-ƒ¿ in the periodontal tissues and the serum concentration of TNF-ƒ¿ (both p < 0.05). In conclusion, we have demonstrated that synthetic (+)-terrein abrogates alveolar bone resorption via the suppression of TNF-ƒ¿ production and osteoclast differentiation in vivo. Therefore, we could expect potential clinical effects when using (+)-terrein on inflammatory bone resorption, including periodontitis. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=SakoHidefumi en-aut-sei=Sako en-aut-mei=Hidefumi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=OmoriKazuhiro en-aut-sei=Omori en-aut-mei=Kazuhiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=NakayamaMasaaki en-aut-sei=Nakayama en-aut-mei=Masaaki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=MandaiHiroki en-aut-sei=Mandai en-aut-mei=Hiroki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= en-aut-name=IdeguchiHidetaka en-aut-sei=Ideguchi en-aut-mei=Hidetaka kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=5 ORCID= en-aut-name=Yoshimura-NakagawaSaki en-aut-sei=Yoshimura-Nakagawa en-aut-mei=Saki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=6 ORCID= en-aut-name=SakaidaKyosuke en-aut-sei=Sakaida en-aut-mei=Kyosuke kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=7 ORCID= en-aut-name=Nagata-KameiChiaki en-aut-sei=Nagata-Kamei en-aut-mei=Chiaki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=8 ORCID= en-aut-name=KobayashiHiroya en-aut-sei=Kobayashi en-aut-mei=Hiroya kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=9 ORCID= en-aut-name=IshiiSatoki en-aut-sei=Ishii en-aut-mei=Satoki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=10 ORCID= en-aut-name=OnoMitsuaki en-aut-sei=Ono en-aut-mei=Mitsuaki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=11 ORCID= en-aut-name=IbaragiSoichiro en-aut-sei=Ibaragi en-aut-mei=Soichiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=12 ORCID= en-aut-name=YamamotoTadashi en-aut-sei=Yamamoto en-aut-mei=Tadashi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=13 ORCID= en-aut-name=SugaSeiji en-aut-sei=Suga en-aut-mei=Seiji kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=14 ORCID= en-aut-name=TakashibaShogo en-aut-sei=Takashiba en-aut-mei=Shogo kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=15 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Periodontics and Endodontics, Division of Dentistry, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology-Periodontal Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Department of Oral Microbiology, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Gifu University of Medical Science kn-affil= affil-num=5 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology-Periodontal Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=6 en-affil=Department of Periodontics and Endodontics, Division of Dentistry, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=7 en-affil=Department of Periodontics and Endodontics, Division of Dentistry, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=8 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology-Periodontal Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=9 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology-Periodontal Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=10 en-affil=Division of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=11 en-affil=Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=12 en-affil=Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Biopathology, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=13 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology-Periodontal Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=14 en-affil=Division of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=15 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology-Periodontal Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= en-keyword=synthetic (+)-terrein kn-keyword=synthetic (+)-terrein en-keyword=periodontitis kn-keyword=periodontitis en-keyword= TNF-ƒ¿ kn-keyword= TNF-ƒ¿ END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=23 cd-vols= no-issue=1 article-no= start-page=90 end-page= dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2023 dt-pub=20230213 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Autophagy as a potential mechanism underlying the biological effect of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 on periodontitis: a narrative review en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=The major active form of vitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25D3), is known for its wide bioactivity in periodontal tissues. Although the exact mechanisms underlying its protective action against periodontitis remain unclear, recent studies have shown that 1,25D3 regulates autophagy. Autophagy is vital for intracellular pathogen invasion control, inflammation regulation, and bone metabolic balance in periodontal tissue homeostasis, and its regulation could be an interesting pathway for future periodontal studies. Since vitamin D deficiency is a worldwide health problem, its role as a potential regulator of autophagy provides new insights into periodontal diseases. Based on this premise, this narrative literature review aimed to investigate the possible connection between 1,25D3 and autophagy in periodontitis. A comprehensive literature search was conducted on PubMed using the following keywords (e.g., vitamin D, autophagy, periodontitis, pathogens, epithelial cells, immunity, inflammation, and bone loss). In this review, the latest studies on the protective action of 1,25D3 against periodontitis and the regulation of autophagy by 1,25D3 are summarized, and the potential role of 1,25D3-activated autophagy in the pathogenesis of periodontitis is analyzed. 1,25D3 can exert a protective effect against periodontitis through different signaling pathways in the pathogenesis of periodontitis, and at least part of this regulatory effect is achieved through the activation of the autophagic response. This review will help clarify the relationship between 1,25D3 and autophagy in the homeostasis of periodontal tissues and provide perspectives for researchers to optimize prevention and treatment strategies in the future. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=ChenXiaoting en-aut-sei=Chen en-aut-mei=Xiaoting kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=AriasZulema en-aut-sei=Arias en-aut-mei=Zulema kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=OmoriKazuhiro en-aut-sei=Omori en-aut-mei=Kazuhiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=YamamotoTadashi en-aut-sei=Yamamoto en-aut-mei=Tadashi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= en-aut-name=Shinoda-ItoYuki en-aut-sei=Shinoda-Ito en-aut-mei=Yuki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=5 ORCID= en-aut-name=TakashibaShogo en-aut-sei=Takashiba en-aut-mei=Shogo kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=6 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology?Periodontal Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology?Periodontal Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Department of Periodontics and Endodontics, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology?Periodontal Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=5 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology?Periodontal Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=6 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology?Periodontal Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= en-keyword=Vitamin D kn-keyword=Vitamin D en-keyword=Autophagy kn-keyword=Autophagy en-keyword=Periodontitis kn-keyword=Periodontitis en-keyword=Epithelial barrier kn-keyword=Epithelial barrier en-keyword=Immunity kn-keyword=Immunity en-keyword=Inflammation kn-keyword=Inflammation en-keyword=Alveolar bone loss kn-keyword=Alveolar bone loss END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=12 cd-vols= no-issue=1 article-no= start-page=12353 end-page= dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2022 dt-pub=20220719 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Treatment resistance of rheumatoid arthritis relates to infection of periodontal pathogenic bacteria: a case-control cross-sectional study en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=Recent studies have shown that periodontitis is associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and periodontal bacteria, such as Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) and Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg) are involved in the pathogenesis of RA via citrullinated proteins. Smoking has also been shown to be involved in the pathogenesis of RA; however, the extent of this involvement is still poorly understood. In addition, RA and polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) are sometimes difficult to differentiate; however, the relationship between PMR and the factors from smoking and periodontal bacteria is unclear. The aim of this study was to clarify the relationship between periodontal pathogenic bacterial infections and smoking in patients with RA or PMR. This case-control study included 142 patients with untreated RA or PMR. This study evaluated the serum antibody titers against periodontal pathogenic bacterial antigens and an anti-citrullinated peptide antibody (ACPA). In patients with RA, the relationship between antibody titers and disease activity of RA and response after 3 months of treatment was also investigated. Additionally, the effects of smoking were evaluated. Although there was no significant difference in serum antibody titer against periodontal pathogenic bacteria between the ACPA-positive RA group and the ACPA-negative PMR group, we found an association between the elevated antibody titer against Pg and the degree of ACPA value, especially between negative group and high-value positive group (>= 100 U/mL). The antibody titers against Aa and Pg did not differ depending on disease activity score 28 (DAS28) at baseline; however, patients with high antibody titers had poor RA therapeutic response as judged by DAS28 after 3 months. We could not find any association between smoking and any of these parameters. Periodontal pathogenic bacteria, especially Pg, are associated with elevated ACPA levels. Our findings suggest that Pg and Aa infections interfere with the therapeutic response of RA. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=Takeuchi-HatanakaKazu en-aut-sei=Takeuchi-Hatanaka en-aut-mei=Kazu kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=KoyamaYoshinobu en-aut-sei=Koyama en-aut-mei=Yoshinobu kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=OkamotoKentaro en-aut-sei=Okamoto en-aut-mei=Kentaro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=SakaidaKyosuke en-aut-sei=Sakaida en-aut-mei=Kyosuke kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= en-aut-name=YamamotoTadashi en-aut-sei=Yamamoto en-aut-mei=Tadashi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=5 ORCID= en-aut-name=TakashibaShogo en-aut-sei=Takashiba en-aut-mei=Shogo kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=6 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Periodontics and Endodontics, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Center for Autoimmune Diseases, Division of Rheumatology, Japan Red Cross Okayama Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Department of Periodontics and Endodontics, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Department of Periodontics and Endodontics, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=5 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology?Periodontal Science, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil= affil-num=6 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology?Periodontal Science, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=10 cd-vols= no-issue=4 article-no= start-page=e05725 end-page= dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2022 dt-pub=20220418 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Analysis of subgingival microbiota in monozygotic twins with different severity and progression risk of periodontitis en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=The study aims to reveal the composition of subgingival bacteria in monozygotic twins with discordant in severity and progression risk of periodontitis. Microbiome analysis indicated that most bacteria were heritable but differed in their abundance and immune response. The dysbiotic bacteria can be considered as risk markers for periodontitis progression. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=YamamotoTadashi en-aut-sei=Yamamoto en-aut-mei=Tadashi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=TaniguchiMakoto en-aut-sei=Taniguchi en-aut-mei=Makoto kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=MatsunagaKazuyuki en-aut-sei=Matsunaga en-aut-mei=Kazuyuki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=KawataYusuke en-aut-sei=Kawata en-aut-mei=Yusuke kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= en-aut-name=KawamuraMari en-aut-sei=Kawamura en-aut-mei=Mari kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=5 ORCID= en-aut-name=OkuboKeisuke en-aut-sei=Okubo en-aut-mei=Keisuke kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=6 ORCID= en-aut-name=YamashiroKeisuke en-aut-sei=Yamashiro en-aut-mei=Keisuke kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=7 ORCID= en-aut-name=OmoriKazuhiro en-aut-sei=Omori en-aut-mei=Kazuhiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=8 ORCID= en-aut-name=TakashibaShogo en-aut-sei=Takashiba en-aut-mei=Shogo kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=9 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology - Periodontal Science, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Oral Microbiome Center, Taniguchi Dental Clinic, Takamatsu, Japan 3 Department of Neurology, Brain Attack Center Ota Memorial Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology - Periodontal Science, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology - Periodontal Science, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil= affil-num=5 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology - Periodontal Science, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil= affil-num=6 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology - Periodontal Science, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil= affil-num=7 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology - Periodontal Science, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil= affil-num=8 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology - Periodontal Science, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil= affil-num=9 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology - Periodontal Science, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil= en-keyword=disease progression kn-keyword=disease progression en-keyword=dysbiosis kn-keyword=dysbiosis en-keyword=environmental factors kn-keyword=environmental factors en-keyword=microbiome kn-keyword=microbiome en-keyword=monozygotic twins kn-keyword=monozygotic twins en-keyword=periodontitis kn-keyword=periodontitis END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=18 cd-vols= no-issue=1 article-no= start-page=13 end-page= dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2022 dt-pub=20220103 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Estimation of periodontal pocket surface area in small to medium dogs: a proof-of-concept study en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=Background
Periodontal disease is the most common dental disease in dogs. Although the systemic effects of periodontal disease have not been clarified in veterinary science, it is necessary to evaluate the effects of periodontal disease in clinical trials in the future. There have been a few clinical attempts made, however, to assess the severity of periodontal inflammation and its impact on the systemic health of dogs. Meanwhile, in the field of dentistry for humans, the periodontal inflamed surface area (PISA) and periodontal epithelial surface area (PESA) have been used to quantitatively assess the degree of periodontal disease affecting a single tooth as well as the overall extent of periodontitis. Recent studies have also suggested the use of these assessments to examine the relationship between periodontal inflammation and systemic health.

The estimation formula for a dog's periodontal pocket surface area (PPSA), an alternative to PISA and PESA in humans, was established using body weight and periodontal pocket depth. Actual values were measured using extracted teeth from various dog breeds and sizes (2.3-25.0 kg of body weight) to obtain universal regression equations for PPSA. Altogether, 625 teeth from 73 dogs of 16 breeds were extracted and subsequently analyzed for morphological information. PPSA was measured in 61 dogs of 10 breeds with periodontal disease using the established estimation formulas, and the correlation between PPSA and preoperative blood chemistry data was analyzed accordingly. A strong correlation was found between PPSA and serum globulin (r = 0.71) while moderate correlations were found for C-reactive protein (r = 0.54) and serum albumin (r = -0.51).

Estimation formulas using body weight and the 6-point probing depth were established for determining PPSA. Direct correlations between PPSA and several blood test results were observed in the study sample. Taken together, these results suggest that PPSA could be useful for evaluating the effects of periodontitis on systemic conditions in dogs. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=TamuraKazuya en-aut-sei=Tamura en-aut-mei=Kazuya kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=Tokuzen-TaiMasako en-aut-sei=Tokuzen-Tai en-aut-mei=Masako kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=SiddiquiYasir Dilshad en-aut-sei=Siddiqui en-aut-mei=Yasir Dilshad kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=Tamura-NaitoHitomi en-aut-sei=Tamura-Naito en-aut-mei=Hitomi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= en-aut-name=NagaharaYoshiharu en-aut-sei=Nagahara en-aut-mei=Yoshiharu kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=5 ORCID= en-aut-name=Hatanaka-TakeuchiKazu en-aut-sei=Hatanaka-Takeuchi en-aut-mei=Kazu kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=6 ORCID= en-aut-name=YamamotoTadashi en-aut-sei=Yamamoto en-aut-mei=Tadashi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=7 ORCID= en-aut-name=TakashibaShogo en-aut-sei=Takashiba en-aut-mei=Shogo kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=8 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology?Periodontal Science, Okayama University, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Department of Periodontics and Endodontics, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology?Periodontal Science, Okayama University, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Department of Periodontics and Endodontics, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=5 en-affil=Nagahara Animal Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=6 en-affil=Department of Periodontics and Endodontics, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=7 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology?Periodontal Science, Okayama University, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil= affil-num=8 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology?Periodontal Science, Okayama University, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil= en-keyword=Dog kn-keyword=Dog en-keyword=Periodontitis kn-keyword=Periodontitis en-keyword=Periodontal pocket surface area kn-keyword=Periodontal pocket surface area en-keyword=Estimation method kn-keyword=Estimation method en-keyword=Periodontology kn-keyword=Periodontology END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=12 cd-vols= no-issue= article-no= start-page=674366 end-page= dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2021 dt-pub=20210608 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=The Fungal Metabolite (+)-Terrein Abrogates Ovariectomy-Induced Bone Loss and Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor-kappa B Ligand-Induced Osteoclastogenesis by Suppressing Protein Kinase-C alpha/beta II Phosphorylation en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=Osteoporosis is a common disease characterized by a systemic impairment of bone mass and microarchitecture that results in fragility fractures. Severe bone loss due to osteoporosis triggers pathological fractures and consequently decreases the daily life activity and quality of life. Therefore, prevention of osteoporosis has become an important issue to be addressed. We have reported that the fungal secondary metabolite (+)-terrein (TER), a natural compound derived from Aspergillus terreus, has shown receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand (RANKL)-induced osteoclast differentiation by suppressing nuclear factor of activated T-cell 1 (NFATc1) expression, a master regulator of osteoclastogenesis. TER has been shown to possess extensive biological and pharmacological benefits; however, its effects on bone metabolism remain unclear. In this study, we investigated the effects of TER on the femoral bone metabolism using a mouse-ovariectomized osteoporosis model (OVX mice) and then on RANKL signal transduction using mouse bone marrow macrophages (mBMMs). In vivo administration of TER significantly improved bone density, bone mass, and trabecular number in OVX mice (p < 0.01). In addition, TER suppressed TRAP and cathepsin-K expression in the tissue sections of OVX mice (p < 0.01). In an in vitro study, TER suppressed RANKL-induced phosphorylation of PKC alpha/beta II, which is involved in the expression of NFATc1 (p < 0.05). The PKC inhibitor, GF109203X, also inhibited RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis in mBMMs as well as TER. In addition, TER suppressed the expression of osteoclastogenesis-related genes, such as Ocstamp, Dcstamp, Calcr, Atp6v0d2, Oscar, and Itgb3 (p < 0.01). These results provide promising evidence for the potential therapeutic application of TER as a novel treatment compound against osteoporosis. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=SakaidaKyosuke en-aut-sei=Sakaida en-aut-mei=Kyosuke kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=OmoriKazuhiro en-aut-sei=Omori en-aut-mei=Kazuhiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=NakayamaMasaaki en-aut-sei=Nakayama en-aut-mei=Masaaki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=MandaiHiroki en-aut-sei=Mandai en-aut-mei=Hiroki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= en-aut-name=NakagawaSaki en-aut-sei=Nakagawa en-aut-mei=Saki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=5 ORCID= en-aut-name=SakoHidefumi en-aut-sei=Sako en-aut-mei=Hidefumi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=6 ORCID= en-aut-name=KameiChiaki en-aut-sei=Kamei en-aut-mei=Chiaki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=7 ORCID= en-aut-name=YamamotoSatoshi en-aut-sei=Yamamoto en-aut-mei=Satoshi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=8 ORCID= en-aut-name=KobayashiHiroya en-aut-sei=Kobayashi en-aut-mei=Hiroya kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=9 ORCID= en-aut-name=IshiiSatoki en-aut-sei=Ishii en-aut-mei=Satoki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=10 ORCID= en-aut-name=OnoMitsuaki en-aut-sei=Ono en-aut-mei=Mitsuaki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=11 ORCID= en-aut-name=IbaragiSoichiro en-aut-sei=Ibaragi en-aut-mei=Soichiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=12 ORCID= en-aut-name=YamashiroKeisuke en-aut-sei=Yamashiro en-aut-mei=Keisuke kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=13 ORCID= en-aut-name=YamamotoTadashi en-aut-sei=Yamamoto en-aut-mei=Tadashi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=14 ORCID= en-aut-name=SugaSeiji en-aut-sei=Suga en-aut-mei=Seiji kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=15 ORCID= en-aut-name=TakashibaShogo en-aut-sei=Takashiba en-aut-mei=Shogo kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=16 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology-Periodontal Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Department of Periodontics and Endodontics, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Department of Oral Microbiology, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Gifu University of Medical Science kn-affil= affil-num=5 en-affil=Department of Periodontics and Endodontics, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=6 en-affil=Department of Periodontics and Endodontics, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=7 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology-Periodontal Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=8 en-affil=Department of Periodontics and Endodontics, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=9 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology-Periodontal Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=10 en-affil=Division of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=11 en-affil=Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=12 en-affil=Department of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=13 en-affil=Department of Periodontics and Endodontics, Okayama University Hospital, Okayama, Japan, 3Department of Oral Microbiology, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=14 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology-Periodontal Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=15 en-affil=Division of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=16 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology-Periodontal Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= en-keyword=(+)-terrein kn-keyword=(+)-terrein en-keyword=ovariectomy kn-keyword=ovariectomy en-keyword=osteoporosis kn-keyword=osteoporosis en-keyword=RANKL kn-keyword=RANKL en-keyword=PKC kn-keyword=PKC END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=10 cd-vols= no-issue=1 article-no= start-page=19959 end-page= dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2020 dt-pub=20201117 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Follistatin expressed in mechanically-damaged salivary glands of male mice induces proliferation of CD49f(+) cells en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=Salivary glands (SGs) are very important for maintaining the physiological functions of the mouth. When SGs regenerate and repair from various damages, including mechanical, radiological, and immune diseases, acinar and granular duct cells originate from intercalated duct cells. However, the recovery is often insufficient because of SGs' limited self-repair function. Furthermore, the precise repair mechanism has been unclear. Here, we focused on CD49f, one of the putative stem cell markers, and characterized CD49f positive cells (CD49f(+) cells) isolated from male murine SGs. CD49f(+) cells possess self-renewal ability and express epithelial and pluripotent markers. Compared to CD49f negative cells, freshly isolated CD49f(+) cells highly expressed inhibin beta A and beta B, which are components of activin that has anti-proliferative effects. Notably, an inhibitor of activin, follistatin was expressed in mechanically-damaged SGs, meanwhile no follistatin was expressed in normal SGs in vivo. Moreover, sub-cultured CD49f(+) cells highly expressed both Follistatin and a series of proliferative genes, expressions of which were decreased by Follistatin siRNA. These findings indicated that the molecular interaction between activin and follistatin may induce CD49f(+) cells proliferation in the regeneration and repair of mouse SGs. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=IkedaA. en-aut-sei=Ikeda en-aut-mei=A. kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=YamamotoT. en-aut-sei=Yamamoto en-aut-mei=T. kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=MineshibaJ. en-aut-sei=Mineshiba en-aut-mei=J. kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=TakashibaS. en-aut-sei=Takashiba en-aut-mei=S. kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Periodontics and Endodontics, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology - Periodontal Science, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Hanamizuki Dental Clinic kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology ? Periodontal Science, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=83 cd-vols= no-issue= article-no= start-page=106429 end-page= dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2020 dt-pub=202006 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=The fungal metabolite (+)-terrein abrogates osteoclast differentiation via suppression of the RANKL signaling pathway through NFATc1 en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=Pathophysiological bone resorption is commonly associated with periodontal disease and involves the excessive resorption of bone matrix by activated osteoclasts. Receptor activator of nuclear factor (NF)-ƒÈB ligand (RANKL) signaling pathways have been proposed as targets for inhibiting osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption. The fungal secondary metabolite (+)-terrein is a natural compound derived from Aspergillus terreus that has previously shown anti-interleukin-6 properties related to inflammatory bone resorption. However, its effects and molecular mechanism of action on osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption remain unclear. In the present study, we showed that 10 ?M synthetic (+)-terrein inhibited RANKL-induced osteoclast formation and bone resorption in a dose-dependent manner and without cytotoxicity. RANKL-induced messenger RNA expression of osteoclast-specific markers including nuclear factor of activated T-cells cytoplasmic 1 (NFATc1), the master regulator of osteoclastogenesis, cathepsin K, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (Trap) was completely inhibited by synthetic (+)-terrein treatment. Furthermore, synthetic (+)-terrein decreased RANKL-induced NFATc1 protein expression. This study revealed that synthetic (+)-terrein attenuated osteoclast formation and bone resorption by mediating RANKL signaling pathways, especially NFATc1, and indicated the potential effect of (+)-terrein on inflammatory bone resorption including periodontal disease. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=NakagawaSaki en-aut-sei=Nakagawa en-aut-mei=Saki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=OmoriKazuhiro en-aut-sei=Omori en-aut-mei=Kazuhiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=NakayamaMasaaki en-aut-sei=Nakayama en-aut-mei=Masaaki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=MandaiHiroki en-aut-sei=Mandai en-aut-mei=Hiroki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= en-aut-name=YamamotoSatoshi en-aut-sei=Yamamoto en-aut-mei=Satoshi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=5 ORCID= en-aut-name=KobayashiHiroya en-aut-sei=Kobayashi en-aut-mei=Hiroya kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=6 ORCID= en-aut-name=SakoHidefumi en-aut-sei=Sako en-aut-mei=Hidefumi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=7 ORCID= en-aut-name=SakaidaKyosuke en-aut-sei=Sakaida en-aut-mei=Kyosuke kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=8 ORCID= en-aut-name=YoshimuraHiroshi en-aut-sei=Yoshimura en-aut-mei=Hiroshi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=9 ORCID= en-aut-name=IshiiSatoki en-aut-sei=Ishii en-aut-mei=Satoki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=10 ORCID= en-aut-name=IbaragiSoichiro en-aut-sei=Ibaragi en-aut-mei=Soichiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=11 ORCID= en-aut-name=HiraiKimito en-aut-sei=Hirai en-aut-mei=Kimito kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=12 ORCID= en-aut-name=YamashiroKeisuke en-aut-sei=Yamashiro en-aut-mei=Keisuke kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=13 ORCID= en-aut-name=YamamotoTadashi en-aut-sei=Yamamoto en-aut-mei=Tadashi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=14 ORCID= en-aut-name=SugaSeiji en-aut-sei=Suga en-aut-mei=Seiji kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=15 ORCID= en-aut-name=TakashibaShogo en-aut-sei=Takashiba en-aut-mei=Shogo kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=16 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology-Periodontal Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Department of Periodontics and Endodontics, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Department of Oral Microbiology, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Department of Medical Technology, School of Health Science, Gifu University of Medical Science kn-affil= affil-num=5 en-affil=Department of Periodontics and Endodontics, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=6 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology-Periodontal Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama Universit kn-affil= affil-num=7 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology-Periodontal Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=8 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology-Periodontal Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=9 en-affil=ivision of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=10 en-affil=Division of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=11 en-affil=Department of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=12 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology-Periodontal Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=13 en-affil=Department of Periodontics and Endodontics, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil= affil-num=14 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology-Periodontal Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=15 en-affil=Division of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=16 en-affil=Department of Pathophysiology-Periodontal Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= en-keyword=Synthetic (+)-terrein kn-keyword=Synthetic (+)-terrein en-keyword=Osteoclast kn-keyword=Osteoclast en-keyword=RANKL kn-keyword=RANKL en-keyword=NFATc1 kn-keyword=NFATc1 END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol= cd-vols= no-issue= article-no= start-page= end-page= dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=1999 dt-pub=19990325 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Ž•ª–ŒüˆÛ‰è×–E‚ª“Á’¥“I‚É”­Œ»‚·‚éˆâ“`Žq‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚錤‹† en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract= en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name= en-aut-sei= en-aut-mei= kn-aut-name=ŽR–{’¼Žj kn-aut-sei=ŽR–{ kn-aut-mei=’¼Žj aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil= kn-affil=‰ªŽR‘åŠw END