start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=130 cd-vols= no-issue=1 article-no= start-page=47 end-page=49 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2018 dt-pub=20180402 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=平成29年度岡山医学会賞が決まる en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract= en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=Okayama Medical Association en-aut-sei=Okayama Medical Association en-aut-mei= kn-aut-name=岡山医学会 kn-aut-sei=岡山医学会 kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil= kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=130 cd-vols= no-issue=1 article-no= start-page=43 end-page=44 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2018 dt-pub=20180402 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title=The 66th Medical Education Development Center, Seminar and Workshop in Okayama University kn-title=第66回医学教育セミナーとワークショップ in 岡山大学開催報告 en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract= en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=NasuYasutomo en-aut-sei=Nasu en-aut-mei=Yasutomo kn-aut-name=那須保友 kn-aut-sei=那須 kn-aut-mei=保友 aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Center for the Development of Medical and Health Care Education, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil=岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科 附属医療教育センター END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=130 cd-vols= no-issue=1 article-no= start-page=43 end-page=44 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2018 dt-pub=20180402 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title=The 7th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Dementia Prevention kn-title=第7回日本認知症予防学会学術集会報告 en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract= en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=AbeKoji en-aut-sei=Abe en-aut-mei=Koji kn-aut-name=阿部康二 kn-aut-sei=阿部 kn-aut-mei=康二 aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Neurology, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentlstry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil=岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科 脳神経内科学 END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=130 cd-vols= no-issue=1 article-no= start-page=41 end-page=42 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2018 dt-pub=20180402 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=地方独立行政法人 岡山県精神科医療センター en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract= en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name= en-aut-sei= en-aut-mei= kn-aut-name=来住由樹 kn-aut-sei=来住 kn-aut-mei=由樹 aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil= kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=130 cd-vols= no-issue=1 article-no= start-page=37 end-page=39 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2018 dt-pub=20180402 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title=Migraine treatment using transcatheter closure of a patent foramen ovale kn-title=卵円孔カテーテル閉鎖術による片頭痛治療 en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract= en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=AkagiTeiji en-aut-sei=Akagi en-aut-mei=Teiji kn-aut-name=赤木禎治 kn-aut-sei=赤木 kn-aut-mei=禎治 aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil=岡山大学病院 循環器内科 END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=130 cd-vols= no-issue=1 article-no= start-page=33 end-page=36 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2018 dt-pub=20180402 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title=Drug interaction (41. Drug interaction in chronic myeloid leukemia therapy) kn-title=薬物相互作用(41―慢性骨髄性白血病(CML)治療薬の薬物相互作用) en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract= en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=NakamotoAkihiko en-aut-sei=Nakamoto en-aut-mei=Akihiko kn-aut-name=中本秋彦 kn-aut-sei=中本 kn-aut-mei=秋彦 aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=KajizonoMakoto en-aut-sei=Kajizono en-aut-mei=Makoto kn-aut-name=鍛治園誠 kn-aut-sei=鍛治園 kn-aut-mei=誠 aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=KitamuraYoshihisa en-aut-sei=Kitamura en-aut-mei=Yoshihisa kn-aut-name=北村 佳久 kn-aut-sei=北村 kn-aut-mei=佳久 aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=SendoToshiaki en-aut-sei=Sendo en-aut-mei=Toshiaki kn-aut-name=千堂年昭 kn-aut-sei=千堂 kn-aut-mei=年昭 aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Pharmacy, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil=岡山大学病院 薬剤部 affil-num=2 en-affil=Department of Pharmacy, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil=岡山大学病院 薬剤部 affil-num=3 en-affil=Department of Pharmacy, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil=岡山大学病院 薬剤部 affil-num=4 en-affil=Department of Pharmacy, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil=岡山大学病院 薬剤部 END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=130 cd-vols= no-issue=1 article-no= start-page=31 end-page=32 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2018 dt-pub=20180402 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title=Q22 ; Q23 kn-title=Q22・Q23 en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract= en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=Okayama Medical Association en-aut-sei=Okayama Medical Association en-aut-mei= kn-aut-name=岡山医学会 kn-aut-sei=岡山医学会 kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil= kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=130 cd-vols= no-issue=1 article-no= start-page=25 end-page=30 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2018 dt-pub=20180402 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title=New System of Japanese Medical Specialty : Internal Medicine kn-title=新しい内科専門医制度 en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract= en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=ObikaMikako en-aut-sei=Obika en-aut-mei=Mikako kn-aut-name=小比賀美香子 kn-aut-sei=小比賀 kn-aut-mei=美香子 aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=OtsukaFumio en-aut-sei=Otsuka en-aut-mei=Fumio kn-aut-name=大塚文男 kn-aut-sei=大塚 kn-aut-mei=文男 aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=OkadaHiroyuki en-aut-sei=Okada en-aut-mei=Hiroyuki kn-aut-name=岡田裕之 kn-aut-sei=岡田 kn-aut-mei=裕之 aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of General Medicine, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil=岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科 総合内科学 affil-num=2 en-affil=Department of General Medicine, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil=岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科 総合内科学 affil-num=3 en-affil=Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil=岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科 消化器・肝臓内科学 END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=130 cd-vols= no-issue=1 article-no= start-page=19 end-page=23 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2018 dt-pub=20180402 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title=Metaplastic carcinoma of the breast : Two cases kn-title=症例報告 乳腺化生癌の2例 en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract= We treated two patients with a rare metaplastic carcinoma of the breast. Patient 1:A 32-year-old woman presented with a rapidly growing mass( 7cm) in her right breast. We diagnosed cT3N0M0 Stage IIB breast cancer and performed a radical resection. The pathological diagnosis was triple-negative metaplastic carcinoma with a Ki-67 value >30%. Postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy were performed. Patient 2:A 66-year-old postmenopausal woman presented with a left breast mass. We diagnosed cT1N0M0 Stage I breast cancer and performed a radical resection. The pathological diagnosis was triple-negative metaplastic carcinoma with a Ki-67 value >30%. Postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy was performed. Patients 1 and 2 have achieved relapse-free survivals of 1 year+2 months and 10 months, respectively. Metaplastic carcinoma of the breast is a rare tumor, and its prognosis is not favorable. The only available treatment is that used for invasive ductal carcinoma;a more specific treatment has not been established. The accumulation of further similar cases and the development of a novel effective treatment are desired. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=MotokiTakayuki en-aut-sei=Motoki en-aut-mei=Takayuki kn-aut-name=元木崇之 kn-aut-sei=元木 kn-aut-mei=崇之 aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=IwamotoTakayuki en-aut-sei=Iwamoto en-aut-mei=Takayuki kn-aut-name=岩本高行 kn-aut-sei=岩本 kn-aut-mei=高行 aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=OmoriMasako en-aut-sei=Omori en-aut-mei=Masako kn-aut-name=大森昌子 kn-aut-sei=大森 kn-aut-mei=昌子 aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=MatsuokaJunji en-aut-sei=Matsuoka en-aut-mei=Junji kn-aut-name=松岡順治 kn-aut-sei=松岡 kn-aut-mei=順治 aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Surgery, Okayama Saiseikai General Hospital kn-affil=岡山済生会総合病院 外科 affil-num=2 en-affil=Center for Innovative Clinical Medicine, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil=岡山大学病院 新医療研究開発センター affil-num=3 en-affil=Department of Diagnostic Pathology, Kurashiki Medical Center kn-affil=倉敷成人病センター 病理診断科 affil-num=4 en-affil=Department of Palliative and Supportive Medicine, Okayama University Hospital kn-affil=岡山大学病院 緩和支持医療科 en-keyword=乳癌(breast cancer) kn-keyword=乳癌(breast cancer) en-keyword=化生癌(metaplastic carcinoma) kn-keyword=化生癌(metaplastic carcinoma) en-keyword=化学療法(chemotherapy) kn-keyword=化学療法(chemotherapy) END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=130 cd-vols= no-issue=1 article-no= start-page=13 end-page=18 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2018 dt-pub=20180402 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title=A case of a mesenteric desmoid tumor preoperatively distinguished from imaging findings kn-title=画像所見から術前診断が可能であった腸間膜デスモイドの1例 en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract= A 73-year-old woman was admitted for closer investigation into an abdominal tumor. Abdominal ultra-sonography, CT, and magnetic resonance imaging showed a discrete abdominal tumor. Especially on MRI, the tumor appeared as a relatively ill-defined whorled soft-tissue thickening within the mesenteric fat, causing angulation or speculation of adjacent bowel mesentery. Surgery was performed under a presumptive diagnosis of a mesojejunum desmoid. The tumor was invading the transverse mesocolon and mesojejunum as well as the third portion of the duodenum and the middle colic artery, and it was close to but apart from the superior mesenteric artery. The tumor was resected, including removal of part of the duodenum and transverse colon. The specimen contained a white solid tumor measuring 14×12×8cm. Pathologic examination showed differentiated fibroblasts and copious collagen fibers. The tumor was negative for CD34, c-kit, S-100, and α-SMA, but positive for β-catenin. On the basis of these findings, we established a diagnosis of mesenteric desmoid tumor of the small intestine. The patient has been followed postoperatively for 2 years, no sign of recurrence, to date. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=KawaiTakashi en-aut-sei=Kawai en-aut-mei=Takashi kn-aut-name=河合毅 kn-aut-sei=河合 kn-aut-mei=毅 aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=WatanabeTakanori en-aut-sei=Watanabe en-aut-mei=Takanori kn-aut-name=渡邉貴紀 kn-aut-sei=渡邉 kn-aut-mei=貴紀 aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=NobuhisaTetuji en-aut-sei=Nobuhisa en-aut-mei=Tetuji kn-aut-name=信久徹治 kn-aut-sei=信久 kn-aut-mei=徹治 aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=MatumotoYusuke en-aut-sei=Matumoto en-aut-mei=Yusuke kn-aut-name=松本祐介 kn-aut-sei=松本 kn-aut-mei=祐介 aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= en-aut-name=KaiKyohei en-aut-sei=Kai en-aut-mei=Kyohei kn-aut-name=甲斐恭平 kn-aut-sei=甲斐 kn-aut-mei=恭平 aut-affil-num=5 ORCID= en-aut-name=SatoShiso en-aut-sei=Sato en-aut-mei=Shiso kn-aut-name=佐藤四三 kn-aut-sei=佐藤 kn-aut-mei=四三 aut-affil-num=6 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Gastroenterological Surgery Transplant and Surgical Oncology, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences|Department of Surgery, Japanese Red Cross Society Himeji Hospital kn-affil=岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科 消化器外科学|姫路赤十字病院 外科 affil-num=2 en-affil=Department of Surgery, Japanese Red Cross Society Himeji Hospital kn-affil=姫路赤十字病院 外科 affil-num=3 en-affil=Department of Surgery, Japanese Red Cross Society Himeji Hospital kn-affil=姫路赤十字病院 外科 affil-num=4 en-affil=Department of Surgery, Japanese Red Cross Society Himeji Hospital kn-affil=姫路赤十字病院 外科 affil-num=5 en-affil=Department of Surgery, Japanese Red Cross Society Himeji Hospital kn-affil=姫路赤十字病院 外科 affil-num=6 en-affil=Department of Surgery, Japanese Red Cross Society Himeji Hospital kn-affil=姫路赤十字病院 外科 en-keyword=小腸間膜 (mesentery of the small intestine) kn-keyword=小腸間膜 (mesentery of the small intestine) en-keyword=デスモイド (desomoid) kn-keyword=デスモイド (desomoid) en-keyword=腸間膜腫瘍 (mesenteric tumor) kn-keyword=腸間膜腫瘍 (mesenteric tumor) END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=130 cd-vols= no-issue=1 article-no= start-page=9 end-page=12 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2018 dt-pub=20180402 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title=Adjuvant chemotherapy for non small-cell lung cancer kn-title=非小細胞肺癌に対する術後補助化学療法 en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract= en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=ToyookaShinichi en-aut-sei=Toyooka en-aut-mei=Shinichi kn-aut-name=豊岡伸一 kn-aut-sei=豊岡 kn-aut-mei=伸一 aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of General Thoracic Surgery and Breast and Endocrinological Surgery, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil=岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科 呼吸器・乳腺内分泌外科学 END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=130 cd-vols= no-issue=1 article-no= start-page=5 end-page=7 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2018 dt-pub=20180402 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title=The 2016 Incentive Award of the Okayama Medical Association in Neuroscience (2016 Niimi Prize) kn-title=平成28年度岡山医学会賞 脳神経研究奨励賞(新見賞) en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract= en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=SasakiTatsuya en-aut-sei=Sasaki en-aut-mei=Tatsuya kn-aut-name=佐々木達也 kn-aut-sei=佐々木 kn-aut-mei=達也 aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Neurological Surgery, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil=岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科 脳神経外科学 END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=130 cd-vols= no-issue=1 article-no= start-page=1 end-page=3 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2018 dt-pub=20180402 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title=The 2016 Incentive Award of the Okayama Medical Association in General Medical Science (2016 Yuuki Prize) kn-title=平成28年度岡山医学会賞 総合研究奨励賞(結城賞) en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract= en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=OkamotoSachiyo en-aut-sei=Okamoto en-aut-mei=Sachiyo kn-aut-name=岡本幸代 kn-aut-sei=岡本 kn-aut-mei=幸代 aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Hematology, Oncology and Respiratory Medicine, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences kn-affil=岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科 血液・腫瘍・呼吸器内科学 END