Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published by the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
ONLINE ISSN : 2186-7755


後藤 丹十郎 岡山大学 Kaken ID publons researchmap
景山 詳弘 岡山大学
小西 国義 岡山大学
Effects of Cell Volume and Transplant Age in Cell Flat on Growth and Flowering after Transplanting in Antirrhinum majus and initial growth after transplanting in Matthiola incana Dorse were studied.Seeds were sownin flats of two cell sizes (cylinders,448 and 220;volume6,12ml,respectively).At the same time each species were directly sown into wooden containers(38880ml). The plants in cells were transplanted 32,37,42,47,52days old after sowing in A.majus and 18,25,32,39days old in M.incana. The plants having formed root-balls could be found at 42 days and 47days after sowing in cell volume of 6ml and 12ml respectively in A.majus.,and at 25days and 32days after sowing in cell volume of 6ml and 12ml respectively in M.incana.In both species shoot dry weight,root dry weight,stem length,node number and total leaf area were increaced with increaces in cell volume or transplant age.In A.majus flowering was delayed with increases in transplant age,especially in cell volume of 6ml.Cut flower quality suffered markedly with increaces in transplant age. Node number was affected by cell volume but not by transplant age.In M.incana the growth 4weeks after transplanting of plants grown for 25days in cell volume of 12ml showed little difference compared with that of plants grown in the wooden container. The results showed that for cell transplant production in both species,transplanting before 10days formde root-balls using cell volume of 12ml was optimal.Our investigation suggests that the suitable transplant age for work efficiency of transplanting may differ considerably from that for plant growth in both species.
cell volume
transplant age
cut flower quality
dwarf plant