Okayama Economic Review
Published by the Economic Association of Okayama University

Online ISSN 2433-4146
Print ISSN 0386-3069

ポーランドにおける体制転換以降の政治・経済・社会的変動 -カトリック教会の動向とポピュリズム政治の台頭を中心に-

家本 博一 名古屋学院大学名誉教授
田口 雅弘
This paper describes the doctrinal trends of the Catholic Church and the rise of populist politics by analyzing the political, economic, and social changes that have occurred since the system transformation period.
In 1989, Poland became the first socialist country to establish a non-communist government and led the system transformations in Eastern European countries. Politically, Poland has broken the communist dictatorship and introduced political pluralism, economically she has promoted market liberalization, and socially she has achieved democratization and cultural pluralism. However, politicians, while superficially advocating political pluralism, often engaged in a battle of mutual accusations through “lustration,” which refers to policies that limit the participation of former communists, especially informants of the communist secret police, resulting in political chaos. In recent years, under the “Law and Justice” regime, Catholic traditions and conservative national and family values have been honored as values that must be upheld by Poles, while EU skepticism has been propagated, anti-immigrant sentiments have been fanned, and the clampdown on LGBT people has been tightened. Conflicts with the EU have also intensified, including political intervention in the judiciary and the supremacy of domestic law over EU law. Put simply, Law and Justice, while claiming to reintroduce pluralism into a Polish polity dominated by the monolithic technocratic liberalism that was dominant in the early years of the transition, has in fact empowered social groups that felt excluded from the post-1989 reforms to create a more exclusive monism.
Thus, while Poland received international attention as a country that led the way in democratization among the former Eastern European countries, even today pluralism has not taken stable root. In Chapter 1, the political and economic situation and changes of doctrine of the Church during the transition period will be analyzed. In Chapter 2, the political changes during the EU accession period and the church’s search for its position will mentioned. The chapter 3 will analyze the rise of populism after 2015 and its relationship to the Catholic Church.
論説 (Articles)