Okayama Economic Review
Published by the Economic Association of Okayama University

Online ISSN 2433-4146
Print ISSN 0386-3069


松本 俊郎 岡山大学 Kaken ID publons researchmap
This paper is aimed at outlining the final stage of the Chinese Civil War in northeast China. While the CCW ended in October, 1949, when Maozedong declared his final victory at the Tian-anmen square, the war in northeast China had already finished in November, 1948, eleven months earlier than Maozedong's speech. USSR supported Yan-an by prohibiting the Nationalist to use Port Arthur, and by delivering the weapons, which the Japanese army had left behind, to the Communist after the surrender of Japan. US kept giving huge financial and military aids to the Nationalist since the period of the WWII. Both super powers, however, forced their ideological partners to compromise with their rivals so often. USSR concluded the Sino-Russo Peace League Treaty with the Nationalist Government in August, 1945, believing the victory of the Nationalist, and made joint developing plans for the northeast with it. This treaty forbade USSR to assist the Communist. USSR also feared the deep commitment of US to the northeast. Because of these restrictions, USSR sometimes ordered the Communist to retreat from important cities. On the other hand, Yan-an's strong resistance against the Chongqing (Chungking) lead US to arbitrate between two Chinese parties, the Nationalist and the Communist. US feared the bankruptcy of the Nationalist Government and the collapse of the Chinese society, in order to prevent Chinese from accepting the Communist as a new leader. For these reasons, the process of the CCW became complicated in the second half of 1940 s.
論説 (Article)