岡大三朝医療センター研究報告 67巻
1996-11 発行

Clinical features of type Ⅱ asthma (bronchiolar obstruction) without bronchoalveolar neutrophilia

谷崎 勝朗 岡山大学医学部附属病院三朝分院内科
御舩 尚志 岡山大学医学部附属病院三朝分院内科
光延 文裕 岡山大学医学部附属病院三朝分院内科 Kaken ID publons researchmap
保崎 泰弘 岡山大学医学部附属病院三朝分院内科
芦田 耕三 岡山大学医学部附属病院三朝分院内科 Kaken ID researchmap
横田 聡 岡山大学医学部附属病院三朝分院内科
柘野 浩史 岡山大学医学部附属病院三朝分院内科
竹内 一昭 岡山大学医学部附属病院三朝分院内科
辻 孝夫 岡山大学医学部第一内科
Publication Date
Clinical features of asthma patients with bronchiolar obstruction (type Ⅱ asthma) were studied in relation to the proportion of neutrophils in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid. Of 13 subjects studied, 7 were accompanied with BAL neutrophilia (53.5%) (BALn(+)) and 6 were without BAL neutrophilia (3.5%) (BALn(-)). 1. The mean age was higher in BALn(-) (66.0 years) than in BALn(+) patients (55.0 years). 2. Bronchial reactivity to methacholine was slightly higher in BALn(-) patients than in those with BALn(+). 3. The value of FEV1.0% was significantly lower in BALn(+) patints than in those with BALn(-) (p<0.01). 4. The proportion of BAL lymphocytes was signicantly more decreased in BALn(+) patients compared to the proportion in those with BALn(-) (p<0.001). 5. the values of serum IgG, IgA, and IgM were not significantly different between BALn(+) and BALn(-) patients, however, the value of IgG was more decreased in BALn(+) patients than in those with BALn(-). These results suggest that two kinds of type Ⅱ asthma ; one is with BAL neutrophilia related to suppressed immunity, and another is without BAL neutrophilia in part due to aging.
気管支喘息 (Bronchial asthma)
細気管支閉塞 (Bronchiolar obstruction)
BAL好中球 (BAL neutrophilia)
免疫能低下 (Suppressed immunity)
加齢 (Aging)