岡大三朝医療センター研究報告 63巻
1992-06 発行

Characteristics of asthma classified by a score relating to clinical findings and examinations

谷崎 勝朗 岡山大学医学部附属病院三朝分院内科
貴谷 光 岡山大学医学部附属病院三朝分院内科
岡崎 守宏 岡山大学医学部附属病院三朝分院内科
御舩 尚志 岡山大学医学部附属病院三朝分院内科
光延 文裕 岡山大学医学部附属病院三朝分院内科 Kaken ID publons researchmap
谷水 将邦 岡山大学医学部附属病院三朝分院内科
本家 尚子 岡山大学医学部附属病院三朝分院内科
草浦 康浩 岡山大学医学部附属病院三朝分院内科
高取 明正 岡山大学医学部附属病院三朝分院産婦人科
奥田 博之 岡山大学医学部附属病院三朝分院産婦人科
木村 郁郎 岡山大学医学部第2内科
Publication Date
Twenty six patients with bronchial asthma was classified by clinical symptoms and singns (clinical diagnosis), and the classification by clinical diagnosis was compared with the classification by a score calculated from clinical findings and examinations (score diagnosis). 1. Of 12 subjects with type Ia classified by clinical diagnosis, 8 cases with 0 to 49 ml/day of expectoration were evaluated as type Ia by score diagnosis. While four type Ia cases with 50 to 99ml/day of expectoration were calssified as type Ib by score diagnosis. The increased incidence of eosinophils in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of these four cases was similar to the incidence in type Ib cases with hypersecretion. 2. All of 6 subjects with type Ib by clinical diagnosis were estimated as type Ib by score diagnosis. 3. Of 8 cases with type II by clinical diagnosis, 7 cases were assessed as type II by score diagnosis. One case with type II by clinical diagnosis and with the score of 10 points was evaluated as questionable type II by score diagnosis.
asthma classification (喘息分類)
bronchoconstriction (気管支攣縮)
hypersecretion (過分泌)
bronchiolar obstruction (細気管支閉塞)
score diagnosis (スコアー診断)