岡大三朝医療センター研究報告 56巻
1985-03-30 発行


古元 順子 岡山大学医学部附属三朝分院リハビリテーション部
古元 嘉昭 岡山大学医学部附属三朝分院リハビリテーション部
Publication Date
The artificial CO(2) bath was prescribed for two enuretic boys with bladder-sensitive or parasympaticotonic type. A tablet of 50 g, made from sodium bicarbonate and succinic acid, was put in a bath-tub of 150-200 L at 40℃. Each patient was recommended to take a bath with his mother longer than ten minutes, and to mark the presence or the absence of enuresis every day. Outcome results of case 1 on CO(2) bath is shown in tabel 1 and results of case 2 on CO(2) bath is shown in table 3. Both two cases became free from enuresis 7-10 days after the initiation of the artificial CO(2) bathing. Etiological mechanisms of enuresis seem to be multi-factorious, with underlining networks of central- and autonomous nerve systems for the control of sleep and bladder. It is suspected that some improvement of peripheral circulation by CO(2)-bathing leading to keep the body warm may be one of the contributing factors which prolong the intervals of urination, resulting in autonomous normalization, at least, for the cases of bladder-sensitive enuresis, Further case studies are needed to support this assumption.
原著論文 (Original Papers)