岡大三朝医療センター研究報告 15巻
1955-03-25 発行

糖尿病の温泉治療に関する研究 Ⅱ.アロキサン糖尿家兎の食餌性過血糖と下呂溫泉(単純硫化水素泉)の飲用

森永 寛 岡山大学温泉研究所内科
Publication Date
The author investigated the effect of the internal use of the hot spring water of Gero (Gifu Prefecture, Japan), which contained Cl' 167 mg./L., HCO(3)' 66.0 mg./L. and titrated sulphur 0.6 mg./L. (pH: 6.2) at the time of this experiment, upon the alimentary hyperglycemia in alloxan-diabetic rabbits. 1. The author injected alloxan of 150 mg. per kg. of body weight intravenously into normal rabbits and performed the experiment 5~6 weeks after the injection. At the time of the experiment, the fasting blood sugar levels of alloxan-diabetic rabbits ranged from 107 to 211 mg./dl. (170 mg./dl. on the average). 2. Thirty ml. of 10% glucose solution in thermal water or in plain water per kg. of body weight was administered to the rabbits by stomach tube, and blood sugar level was determined before and 1/2, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 hours after the administration. The rejection interval (5%) of the glucose tolerance in 17 normal rabbits is shown in Fig. Ⅰ. Glucose tolerance curves of these alloxan-diabetic rabbits were out of the limit of the normal range. 3. Gero Hot Spring water had no inhibitory action upon the alimentary hyperglycemia of alloxan-diabetic rabbits.