Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University 26巻 1号
1991-11-30 発行

Application of the Adjoint Spectrum to the Frequency Tracking in Spectrometry with Tunable Diode Lasers Suffering from Temperature Drift

Bouzidi, Moncef The Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
古賀 隆治 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
和田 修己 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
香川 直己 The Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Hai Xu Measurement and Test Center, North-East Normal University
小坂 恵 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Kaken ID publons researchmap
Sano HIroya Faculty of Engineering, Fukuyama University
Publication Date
A numerical technique called as "adjoint spectrum" has been proposed by the authors in a previous work. Two applications of it are presented here. It is demonstrated that by generalizing the aspect of adjoint spectrum it becomes possible to measure densities of mixed gases simultaneously. An experimental proof of this has been carried on and simultaneous measurement of densities of both methane and dinitrogen oxide was realized. On the other hand, it is also reported that frequency shifting of spectra, which is a cause of error in spectrometric measurements, can be corrected by exploiting the adjoint spectrum technique in connection with the Taylor expansion. Numerical examples showing the success of this method are reported as well.