Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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カドミウム経口投与サルの血清および尿β(2)ミクログロブリンの変動 ―栄養要因の影響―

小瀧 規子 岡山大学医学部公衆衛生学教室
99_321.pdf 862 KB
Urinary and serum cadmium levels as well as cadmium contents in kidneys of female rhesus monkeys given a cadmium (Cd)-containing diet and subjected to malnutrition were slightly elevated during the experimental period of 7 years. Particulary, greater excretion of cadmium in urine, elevation of serum cadmium and greater accumlation of cadmium in kidneys were observed early in the malnutritional groups (groups No.6, 7 and 8) as compared to the basal diet group (group No.5). One monkey in the low-nutritional and low-vitamin D group fed with Cd (group No.8) accumulated over 1000μg of Cd per g wet weight in the kidneys even at 36 months. No remarkable changes in serum β(2)-microglobulin were observed in the Cd-treated groups (group No.5 to No.8) nor in the non-Cd treated groups (groups No.1 to No.4) during the experimental period. Although no significant leak of urinary β(2)-microglobulin was seen among the basal diet group fed with Cd (group No.5), the basal diet and low-vitamin D group fed with Cd (group No.7) and the non-Cd treated group (groups No.1 to No.4), much urinary β(2)-microglobulin began to leak at 36 months in the low-nutritional and low-vitamin D group fed with Cd (group No.8) and at 48 months in the low-nutritional group fed with Cd (group No.6). The high levels of urinary β(2)-microglobulin seen in group No.8 reverted to normal with medical treatment, and the high levels observed in group No.6 sometimes decreased. These observations suggest mild renal dysfunction among the malnutritioned monkeys (groups No.6 and No.8) exposed to Cd.
Serum and urinary Beta-2-Microglobulin