Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

Full-text articles are available 3 years after publication.


高橋 茂 岡山大学医学部神経精神医学教室
堀井 茂男 岡山大学医学部神経精神医学教室
藤本 明 岡山大学医学部神経精神医学教室
洲脇 寛 高知医科大学神経精神医学教室
西井 保行 高知医科大学神経精神医学教室
93_729.pdf 371 KB
A survey of Danshukai (Alcohol Abstinence Society) members was conducted in Okayama Prefecture, November, 1978. It was based on selfcompletion quetionaircs given to members attending the meetings of Okayama and Tsuyama Danshukai. Out of 290 resistered members, 202 attendants gave answers to the quetionaires (response rate: 69.7%). All of the respondents were male alcoholics. Among them, 80.6% were married, 81.2% had jobs, and 82.7% were accompanied by their wives or other family members in the meetings. This favorable family situation was in sharp contrast to that of long-term inpatient alcoholics. Admission to the Department of Psychiatry had been experienced by 63.9% of attendants and 17.3% to the Department of Internal Medicine. Many of the patients had been introduced to Danshukai by hospital staff and the activities of Danshukai were largely supported by psychiatric hospitals. In future, however, Danshukai must be more independent, establishing good relationships with community health centers or other local agencies. This means the development from a hospital-based Danshukai to a community-based one. This survey also suggested that intervention at an early stage of alcoholism is needed when alcohol-related impairment is limited to occasional violence at home. At this satage, spouses and Danshukai members might have important therapeutic roles. Regular attendance at Danshukai meetings at least once a week or twice a month seemed indispensable for continued abstinence.