Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

Full-text articles are available 3 years after publication.

加令と膵 第3編 機能と形態から見た膵の老化

三島 邦基 岡山大学第二内科
93_409.pdf 1.2 MB
The previous reports revealed that the aging pancreas showed a significant decrease in the exocrine function as evaluated by the pancreozymin-secretin test and that dilatation, totuosity and irregularity of the margin of the pancreatic duct were more frequently observed with aging. The present report is concerned with studies on the correlationship between changes in exocrine pancreatic function and pancreatogrms with aging. The material was taken from 117 patients hospitalized for routine annual check-ups and those with no abdominal or metabolic diseases on whom pancreozyminsecretin tests and endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography were performed after a short timelag. Evaluated were 4 factors by the pancreozyminsecretin test (secretory volume, maximal bicarbonate concentration, bicarbonate output, and amylase output) and 4 factors on pancreatograms (diameters of the main pancreatic duct in the head, the body and the tail of the pancreas and the presence or absence of irregularity of the margin of the pancreatic duct). The following conclusions were made: (1) The exocrine pancreatic function decreased significantly with aging. The main pancreatic duct also showed significant dilatation with aging. A clear-cut correlation was observed among aging, decrease in exocrine pancreatic function and increase in the diameter of the pancreatic duct. (2) Cases with a decrease in exocrine pancreatic function as well as irregularity of the margin of the main pancreatic duct were observed in an increasing frequency with aging. (3) It was concluded that aging, exocrine pancreatic function and pancreatographic findings are closely related and that there is a clear-cut parallelism between aging in the exocrine pancreatic function and that in the pancreatic duct as revealed on pancreatograms.