Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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豚及び住民の日本脳炎HI抗体および2-ME感受性抗体陽性率 (日本脳炎の疫学的研究 67)

緒方 正名 岡山大学医学部公衆衛生学教室
目黒 忠道 岡山大学医学部公衆衛生学教室
広田 昇 岡山大学医学部公衆衛生学教室
松井 義典 岡山大学医学部公衆衛生学教室
佐藤 征紀 岡山大学医学部公衆衛生学教室
愛甲 博美 岡山大学医学部公衆衛生学教室
石田 立夫 岡山県環境保健センター
平松 宗成 岡山県環境保健センター
乙倉 巍 岡山保健所
高木 寛治 岡山県衛生部
岡本 旭 岡山県衛生部
二宗 壮夫 岡山県衛生部
角南 重夫 川崎医科大学・公衆衛生学教室
実成 文彦 岡山大学教育学部・養護教育
森下 喬之 森下病院
Seasonal level of hemoagglutinin inhibiting and its 2 -mercaptoethanol sensitive antibody in the sera of swine were researched and the following results were obtained. 1. The positive rate of hemoagglutination inhibit reaction (HI reaction) on swine showed 100% at maximum in the middle of September. 1980. The positive rate of 2-ME sensitive antibody showed the titer of over 1 : 40 with all swine examined in the middle of August, 1980. 2. The positive rate of HI reaction of inhabitants at Mukaiyama in Kurashiki City was 76.0% (on 8th in July, 1980) indicating the rather big decrease being compared with annual value of 90.6%, in 1976. Date indicated that increase In JE virus in swine as source of infection thought to be a vector of JE, caused a genuine case of JE, in 1980, as described below. 3. Higher positive rate of HI reaction and 2-ME sensitive positive rate of swine were observed in 1980. 4. One patient who suffered from JE was found In Kurashiki City in 1980. 5. Henceforth and continuously, Japanese Encephalitis should be investigated, above all on its occurance order with the number or Ct or the positive rate of hemoagglutination inhibit reaction in inhahitants and swine, etc. considering that J.E. has a high lethality rate and often leaves the terrible J. E. residue to patients.
日本脳炎特集号 XXII (岡山大学脳炎委員会)