Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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カテコールアミン蛍光組織化学法研究 第1編 抱水クロラールを加えたグリオキサル酸・ホルムアルデヒド法

芳原 達也 岡山大学医学部第一解剖学教室
90_379.pdf 917 KB
The formaldehyde-induced fluorescence technique (Falck et al'62) allows for the microscopic visualization of intraneural monoamines. The recently introduced glyoxylic acid techique (Lindvall and Bjorklund'74) appears to offer a most advantageous approach to monoamine tract tracing. The technique allows the important finding that a marked degree of mixing of the various adrenergic components occurs in the central tract in the rat brain. However, the technique in its present form is difficult to apply to large mammals. Because, the catecholamine diffuse in the neural tissue during perfusion. In this report, the author shows that it is able to prevent this defect by adding chloralhydrate to the glyoxylic acid-formaldehyde solution. In this modified method, the fluorescence of catecholamine is enhanced and is easily classified in its color. For this reason, chloralhydrate-glyoxylic acid-formaldehyde method can apply to large mammals.