Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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血清α-Fetoprotein濃度上昇の臨床的意義に関する研究 第2編 Computer Scintigram及びα-Fetoproteinの肝癌診断への応用

田中 義淳 岡山大学第一内科教室
88_285.pdf 3.46 MB
Twenty two cases with primary hepatocellular carcinoma, 6 cases with cholangiocellular carcinoma and 12 cases with metastatic liver cancer were examined by scintiphotography using scintillation camera with (99m)Tc radio colloid ((99m)Tc-sulfur colloid, (99m)Tc-staneous colloid or (99m)Tc-phytate) and (67)Ga-citrate or (67)Ga-malate. In addition to the conventional analysis of hepatic scintiphotography, the data were also fed into computer system and stored in the memory (64×64 memory). Application of Fourier transforms and the interative approximation according to Iinuma's method to the averaged matrix data were performed to restore true information of hepatic image. The subtraction scintigram was obtained by subtracting (99m)Tc activity from (67)Ga activity in each matrix data treated with computer focusing. Twenty of 22 cases of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma were diagnosed by liver by liver scintiphotography with (99m)Tc radio colloid, but one of 2 cases undetectable on conventional scintigram. In the remaining one case, diagnosis was accomplished by continuous increase of serum α-fetoprotein. One case of metastatic liver cancer invisible on conventional scintiphotography were diagnosed by means of computer scintigraphy and subtraction scintigraphy. This is indicated that more cases of hepatic carcinoma can be deagnosed by the application of serial determination of serum α-fetoprotein, computer scintigraphy and subtraction scintigraphy simultaneously.