Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

Full-text articles are available 3 years after publication.


木村 郁郎 岡山大学医学部平木内科
守谷 欣明 岡山大学医学部平木内科
山名 正俊 岡山大学医学部平木内科
大熨 泰亮 岡山大学医学部平木内科
高田 宏美 岡山大学医学部平木内科
白井 孝一 岡山大学医学部平木内科
西崎 良知 岡山大学医学部平木内科
谷崎 勝朗 岡山大学医学部平木内科
国政 郁哉 岡山大学医学部平木内科
西下 明 岡山大学医学部平木内科
高野 純行 岡山大学医学部平木内科
河原 宏 西大寺保健所
83_135.pdf 279 KB
Clinical examinations were performed in 1969 on patients with allergic occupational asthma caused by inhaling the body fluid of sea-squirts attaching to the shell of cultured oyster. The allergic symptoms caused by inhaling the body fluid of sea-squirts were rhinitis, conjunctivitis, bronchitis and bronchial asthma. The sea-squirt asthma was observed in 43 out of 201 oyster shuckers. Positive skin test was seen in 95.2% of 21 cases with sea-squirt asthma. And Prausnitz-Kustner reaction of the asthma was observed in 10 out of 11 cases. Obstrutive disturbance in lung function tests was shown only in a few cases because examination was performed in resting intervals and the subjects were of old age. It is clear that there is a close relation between basophils and allergic reaction caused by sea-squirt asthma as shown by an increase of basophils in the pre-attack stage of working periods.