Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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蛋白同化ステロイドのコレステロール代謝に及ぼす影響 第1編 脱コレステロールの場

石井 明光 岡山大学医学部第一内科教室
80_701.pdf 2.17 MB
Anabolic steroids such as H.M.D., 19 N.P.P. were given to 23 patientents with stomach diseases, then the change of cholesterol level and liver function test was investigated to assess the effect of the anabolic steroids on the cholesterol metabolism Simultaneously pyridoxal phcsphate was given to 5 patients and the effects was analyzed. The results obtained were as follows; a) Administration of the anabolic steroids showed no significant in serum protain level, A/G ratio, the serum flocculation tests. The level of serum bilirubin was unchanged. But the Bromsulphalein retention rate and transaminase activities were increased, the serum level of cholesterol was strikingly decreased. Alkaline phosphatase was slightly decreased though it occured within normal range. b) Administration of the anabolic steroids with pyridoxal phosphate resulted in the no appreciable change in cholesterol level. The increase of transaminase activities was not observed. This phenomenon was interpreted as an conpetitive action was operating between the mechanism in which cholesterol level reduce in one side and the transaminase activities increase in the other. c) In the experiment of the dogs given H.M.D., a reduction of the serum cholesterol level was observed. The gradient was in proparation to the time after the administration. The highest level was in the partial vein, the next was in the hepatic artery, and the lowest was in the hepatic vein. From the results obtained here, is was concluded that hypocholesterolemic action occurs in the liver when the anabolic steroids were given to the patients.