Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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ウラン体内投与,放射線外部照射ならびにその二重負荷に関する実験的研究 第2編 二重負荷に対するCa-EDTA, Cysteineの防護効果について

藤井 良雄 岡山大学医学部大学院医学研究科
078_277.pdf 720 KB
In order to investigate the effectiveness of the chemical protective agents against mice and rabbits doubly stressed by uranium administration and gamma irradiation as reported in Study 1, Ca-EDTA and Cysteine were used as the agent. For mice irradiated 650r gamma ray on whole body after 10mgU/kg intraperitoneal injection of uranyl nitrate, Cysteine (100mg/kg, 200mg/kg, 400mg/kg, respectively) was intraperitoneally injected 10-15min. before the treatment, or Ca-EDTA of the same above doses after 2hr. The double effect of Cysteine and Ca-EDTA was examined also. For rabbits irradiated 800r gamma ray on whole body after 0.2mgU/kg intravenous injection of uranyl nitrate, Cysteine 50mg/kg were intravenously injected 10-15min. before the treatment, or Ca-EDTA 50mg/kg after 2hr. The double effect of Cysteine and Ca-EDTA was examined also. On mortality rate, and kidney histology of mice, none protein nitrogen of blood of rabbits, Ca-EDTA was effective while Cysteine was uot showed any recognizable effect, nor the combination of Ca-EDTA and Cysteine, too.
学位番号 甲第196号