Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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肝疾患における線維素溶解現象に関する研究 第1編 慢性肝疾患の線溶現象についての検討

柴田 浩一 岡山大学医学部第一内科教室
77_1453.pdf 814 KB
This work was undertaken to examine dynamic aspects between fibrinolytic factors and clinical findings in chronic hepatitis, precirrhosis and cirrhosis of the liver. The results were as follows: 1) Increasing activity of plasma clot lysis (PCL) and euglobulin clot lysis (ECL) were seen in precirrhosis and cirrhosis of the liver. Total fibrinolytic activity (Eug+SK) decreased in cirrhosis of the liver. 2) Increase or decrease in activity of inhibitor and activcator was not seen on a certain type of the chronic liver diseases. 3) PCL activity was closely correlated to the degree of BSP retention test, and also increasing antiplasmin activity was parallel to PCL activity. On the other hand, positive serum colloidal reactions were more closely related to PCL activity than BSP retention test showed. moreover, no clear cut relationship between serum transaminase (S GOT, S GPT) and fibrinolytic factors was not recognized. 4) With regard to hemorrhagic tendency in chronic liver diseases, most cases which presented increased activities of PCL and ECL, have prolonged bleeding time and positive Rumpel-Leede phenomenon. On the contrary, reverse relationship between both phenomena above descrived was not obtained. The cases presented positive thrombotest had hemorrhagic tendency, and also the cases with hemorragic tendency showed positive thrombotest. 5) There was no relationship between morphological changes of the liver and fibrinolytic phenomena in chronic disases of the liver. but most cases with the damage of limiting plate in Glisson's capsle of the liver presented increasing activity in PCL. 6) In the relationship between a period of time of the illness and fibrinolytic factors, fibrinolytic activities have been increaed in PCL and ECL. 7) In considering fibrimolytic phenomena, it must be emphsized that it was very much important to detect varying fibrinolytic factor and must be considered a clinical significans with dynamic homeostasis of the fibrinolytic factors. 8) Most cases had no remarkable disorder of a homeostasis of fibrinolytic phenomenon on disease of the liver, eapecially even in both precirrhosis and cirrhosis of the liver.