Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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細胞内微小電極法による赤筋線維並びに白筋線維の機能分化による興奮伝導速度の差に関する研究 第3編 人腹直筋筋線維の静止電位,活動電位及び興奮伝導速度の時間的変化について

島田 彦造 岡山大学医学部第1外科教室
76_187.pdf 276 KB
Using the intracellular microelectrode, the relationship between the freshness of muscle fibers and their electrophysiological charactor was studied in the surgecally exstirpated human m. rectus abdnminis, namely, the decrease rate of their conduction velocity, amplitude of action-potential and resting-potential was measured according to the times from the insertion of microelectrode into muscle fibers aud the following results were obtained. 1. The decrease of conduction velocity was not so obvious for 15 minutes, namely, its average decrease rate was about 10% for 15 minutes. 2. The decrease of amplitude of action-potential and resting-potential was prominent for 15 minutes, namely their average decrease rates were about 50% for 15 minutes. It was further assumed that the main cause of these decrease might be attribute to the mechanical injuly of muscle fibers by the insertion of microelectrode into them. 3. No marked difference was observed between the decrease rate of conduction velocity, amplitude of action-potential and resting-potential of the red and that of white muscle fibers.