Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

Full-text articles are available 3 years after publication.


日野 道夫 岡山大学医学部第一生理学教室
74_729.pdf 4.8 MB
Observations were carried out on the biochemical properties of "cornin", as a biological active peptides, extracted from the bovine cornea and its effects on the cell division was studied, and the following results were obtained. 1. Cornin has the maximum absorption band at 210-215 mμ and at 255-265 mμ and the minimum absorbancy at 240 mμ. 2. Cornin in the concentration up to 10(-5) shows a marked inhibitory effect on the cell division, and even at the concentration of 10(-8) it exhibits an effect to retard the cell division. 3. Cornin hardly passes through the fertilization membrane. 4. Both acidic and alkaline hydrolysates of the cornea lose their antimitotic effect already at the concentration of 10(-5). 5. Gelatin and egg albumin, on the other hand, have been found to show no retardation effect on the cell division. 6. The substance P at the concentration of 10(-3) shows the retardation effect on the cell division, but at the concentration of 10(-4) it loses such an effect, while on the contrary, at the concentration of 10(-5) it rather accelerates the cell division. 7. Cornin possesses biochemical properties different from those of the antimitotic substances extracted by Heilbrunn et al.