Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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脳のglutamic decarboxylaseに関する研究 第2編 てんかん脳のglutamic decarboxylase活性について

近藤 整 岡山大学医学部第1(陣内)外科教室
74_629.pdf 371 KB
The activity of glutamic decarboxylase was measured with the use of cerebral cortices in human idiopathic epilpsy and in experimental epilespy of ep (epileptogenic) mice, of rabbits with local anaphylaxis of the brain and of vitamin B(6) deficiency mice and the folowing results were obtained. 1. While there can be recognized no significant defference in the activity of glutamic decarboxylase in non-focal cerebral cortex of human idiopathic epilepsy from that in the control (non-epileptic brain), the glutamic decarboxylase activity in the focal cortex of the human idiopathic epilepsy is markedly lower than that in the non-focal area. 2. The activity of glutamic decarboxylase in the cerebral cortex of adult ep mice is considerably decreased, but in the immature ep-mice that had not yet experienced convulsion its activity is rather accelerated. 3. The glutamic decarboxylase activity in the cerebral cortex of the rabbit with a local anaphylaxis is not significantly different from that in the normal control rabbit. 4. The activity of glutamic decarboxyase in the brain of vitamin B(6) deficient mice is markedly lower than that in the normal mice brain.