Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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平滑筋に及ぼす高水圧の影響 其の一 蛙腸管縦走筋について

三木 福治郎 岡山大学医学部第一生理学教室
72_1609.pdf 7.98 MB
When high hydrostatic pressure (50 to 500 kg/㎠) was applied to isolated longitudinal muscle strip (10 to 15 mm long, 2 to 3 mm wide) of frog intestine hanging in Ringer's solution, following changes of its length and rhythmical movement were observed. 1) Under high hydrostatic pressure up to 100 kg/㎠ the rhythmical movement of the strip is accelerated in frequency and tonus effectively, depending on neurogenic nature, and at 300 to 500 kg/㎠ it weakens or disappears. 2) When the pressure of about 300 to 500 kg/㎠ is applied to the muscle strip, it lengthens quickly at first and then conversely shortens gradually after a certain limit of extension, and again the strip contracts rapidly but temporarily and then relaxes slowly. 3) These lengthening and subsequent shortening of the strip under high hydrostatic pressure of 300-500 kg/㎠ seem to to of myogenic nature and not of neurogenic nature.