Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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組織培養による骨髄諸細胞の螢光顕微鏡学的研究 第3編 白血球の変性並に細胞機能と螢光との関係に関する研究 附.全編の総括

渡辺 晋 岡山大学医学部平木内科教室
72_1119.pdf 1010 KB
By performing the simple method of fluorochrominized bone marrow tissue culture the author observed the degeneration picture of leucccytes, and also studied changes in fluorescence in the cells cultured under an adverse condition but added with acridine orange. The following are the results of the present experiment. 1. It has been found that the majority of commonly-known findings by supravital staining are proven to be degeneration picture of cells. 2. As for the degeneration signs, the swelling and fading of reddish orange granules can be pointed out, while in cytoplasma vacuoles either stained or unstained with acridine orange, abnormal processes, the reddening or green swelling of cytoplasma can be recognized: The nuclei have agglutinated chromatin and have become yellow, red, and swollen in green color, and in nucleoles green swelling or reddening can be observed. 3. In the degeneration picture likewise each cell type present different fluorescence. 4. When cells become shrunk, the fluorescence is red, while when cells are swollen, it is green. 5. In the cells with decreased function reddish orange granules fade quickly and their nuclei turn yellow. 6. Those cells that have lost the fluorescence of their granules, and those that have red cytoplasma and red nuclei as well as those with their nuclei green and swollen as all-dead cells.