Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

Full-text articles are available 3 years after publication.

家兎皮下組織内における血色素の分解に関する研究 第2編 家兎皮下組織内に牛血液及び家兎抗牛血色素血清を注入した際の血色素heme及びglobinの変化に就て

山本 将雄 岡山大学医学部第一内科教室
71_3805.pdf 253 KB
After mixing bovine blood with anti-bovine hemoglobin serum of rabbit, the mixture is injected into the subcutaneous tissue on the inner side of the rabbit femur, immediately, 2 hours later, and 5 hours later, and the author studied serologically changes of the globin at each site of the injection as well as well as carried on the histochemical observations on the decomposition of the heme. The results are described in the following. 1. The injected blood cells are destroyed in the tissue, and at the same time the injected anti-serum, existing there intact, acts so as to bring about the begeneration of the globin. The degree of the degeneration is not affected by the conditions affecting blood cells and serum. 2. The degeneration of the globin thus induced is again brought back to the normalcy by the action of the tissue. 3. The hoemglobin decomposition in the tissue is suppressed when globin is degenerated, and it proceeds after the recovery of the degeneration. This condition is evident outside the tissue than inside and it is not distinct within histiocytes.