Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

Full-text articles are available 3 years after publication.

Carlens気管支カテーテルによる左右別気管支肺容量測定に関する研究 第1編 肺結核患者の各体位における呼吸機能について

岸本 済美 国立岡山療養所
71_8363.pdf 695 KB
Bronchospirometries in the supine and both lateral positions have been performed on 20 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Ten of them had also determination made while sitting. Following results were obtained. 1) The total oxygen consumption showed a slight increase in both right and left lateral positions as compared with while supine. A definite increase both in the absolute amount and in the percentage of oxygen consumption was noted in the under lung in the lateral position. 2) A slight increase in absolute amount and a definite increase in the percentage of minute volume and tidal volume were noted in the under lung. 3) The ventilation equivalent decreased in the under lung, indicating increased efficiency. 4) Both total and differential vital capacity showed no change in both lateral positions. However, a definite decrease both in the absolute amount and in the percentage of reserve air was noted in the under lung in the lateral position. 5) In the sitting position pulmonary function improved in every respects. This position was considered less resistant for respiration than the other positions. These findings were entirely similar as found in the study of the same kind made on normal persons.