Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

Full-text articles are available 3 years after publication.


早川 慶子 岡山大学医学部皮膚科泌尿器科教室
71_8059.pdf 5.81 MB
72 patieuts with upper urinary tract disturbances were examined by renal clearance, water test and PSP test. The relationship between these three kinds or renal funetion test was observed by the calculation of correlation coefficient. 1. On renal tuberculosis group (18 cases), disturbances of glomerulus function were various, and disturbances of tubules function were severer than the groups of nephrolithiasis, ureterotithiasis, etc. 2. On urolithiasis group (nephro 21, uretero 15 cases), the results of examinations were more influenced by passage disturbances of urine than parenchymatous disturbances of kidney. In general, renal function is not so affected in this group. 3. On renal tuberculosis group, it was noticed that there was a remarkable parallel correlation of clearance-ratio to water test. 4. On nephrolithiasis group, it was noticed that there was a remarkable parallel correlation of clearance-ratio to PSP test, especially 60' and 120' value. 5. On ureterolithiasis group, it was noticed that there was no evident correlation of clearance-ratio to PSP and water tests. 6. On 72 patients with many kinds of upper urinary tract disturbances, it was noticed that there was a considerable parallel correlation of the clearance-ratio to PSP test (60' 120') and concentration ratio and that there was scarcely any relationship of the clearance-ratio to PSP test (30') and renal dilution ratio. 7. There was no parallel correlation of FF to water and PSP tests.