Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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所謂Banti氏病の鉄及び銅代謝にする研究 第1編 患者の血清鉄及び銅量臓器鉄及び銅量並びに尿中排泄鉄及び銅量に就いて

岡田 由夫 岡山大学医学部平木内科教室
71_7941.pdf 1.01 MB
With 29 patients of the so-called Banti's disease the author carried out clinical investigations mainly on the iron and copper metabolisms, and obtained the following results. 1. In the patients suffering from this disease a decrease in the serum iron content and an increase in the serum copper content can be recognized. 2. In this diseasa the deerease in visceral iron fractions, PI and PII in the liver, is marked, while in the spleen although PII is decreased, PI, on the contrary, is increased. 3. In this disease the gram unit content of visceral copper in the liver is increassed when compared with that in the spleen. 4. The iron content excreted in the urine of this disease is less than that in normal persons, whereas the copper content is greater than that in normal persons. 5. At the time of ACTH-gel test the decrease in the serum iron content and the increase in the serum copper are more marked in the patient than those in normal persons, while on the day and second day of the test the iron and copper contents excreted in the urine of the patient do not decrease so markedly as those in normal person. 6. The serum iron content five minutes after the iron tolerance test shows a lower value in the patient than that in normal person, and likewise the serum copper content shows somewhat a similar decrease. 7. On the basis of these findings the author discussed from various angles the iron and copper metabolism in the patient with this disease.