Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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家兎骨髄組織培養に於ける物理化学的要因の偽好酸球運動能に及ぼす影響 第一編 培養温度の影響

高橋 山郎 岡山大学医学部平木内科教室
70_3437.pdf 7.72 MB
By observing the influences of temperature on the motility of pseudoesinophils in bone-marrow tissue culture of rabbits (cover-slip method) the author obtained the following results: 1. The limit of temperature that enables such observations lies in the range between 15℃, the minimum and 43℃, the maximum. 2. The maximum wandering velocity is found at 39℃, whereas the peak of the wandering velocity appears faster at a higher temperature and slower at a lower temperature. 3. As for the movement pattern, at the temperature showing the peak of wandering velocity, pseudoeosinophils of Types A and B appear most numerously; and also many pseudoeosinophils of Type F can be seen at a higher temperature. 4. At a certain stage in the limit temperature of both the maximum and minimum (43℃, 15℃) there appear a similar specific type, namely, the cell presenting a dumbbell-like shape having pseudopodia connected with the cell body at their veryr narrow part. 5. As for the shapes of pseudopodia, those presenting tongue-shape or saw-like ones tend to be most numerous at any temperature, and those with bleb shape or flag shape tend to be more numerous at a higher temperature. Those possessing no pseudopodia appear more at a lower temperature. 6. Relatively numerous tail-threads appear in an early stage at temperature of 37℃, 39℃, or 41℃, but generally these do not appear at a lower temperature, with one exceptionally peculiar thing is that only in an early stage at the low temperature of 15℃ cells with many tail-threads make their appearance. 7. Either at the temperature lower than 30℃ or higher than 39℃, and with the lapse of time the ratio of the long axis against the short axis grows smaller.