Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

Full-text articles are available 3 years after publication.

骨髓体外組織培養による好酸球に関する研究 第2編 各種好酸球増多症患者の胸骨骨髓培養における好酸球運動の観察

井上 正勝 岡山大学医学部平木内科
70_2517.pdf 5.36 MB
By performing bone-marrow tissue culture (simple method devised in our laboratory) of the sternum in normal person, patients wish anchylostomiasis and with bronchial asthma, the author observed the pattern of movement and wandering velocity of these eosinophils and obtained the following results: 1. Patterns of movement of eosinophils in the human bone marrow have been newly classified. 2. Among the eosinophils of human anchylostomiasis there are ones that show a peculiar pattern of movement, Type IB, which may be considered to be the acceleration in the ability of retraction of the exoplasm. In addition, a picture of scattered granules can often be recognized. The wandering velocity of eosinophils in this disease is markedly accelerated, showing the veloeity somewhat superior to that of neutrophils. 3. In the eosinophils of bronchial asthma there are cells suggesting an abnormally accelerated adhesive property, for example, possessing abnormally distended tail or filamentous tail with many branches; and also granule-movement is quite active. As can be seen from the above findings, there are eosinophils in anchylostomiasis and bronchial asthma, that show the pattern of movement that can not be observed in those of normal persons, and therefore, it has been clarified that those eosinophils of the bone marrow in patient not only multiply in number but also their pattern of movement undergoes morphological changes simultaneously.