Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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胃癌の肝転移に関する研究 第2編 胃癌の肝転移に関する実験的研究

黒住 公明 岡山大学医学部第1(陣内)外科教室
70_2153.pdf 6.14 MB
For the purpose of studying the mechanism of the liver metastasis of gastric cancer, the homogenate of the Brown-Pearce tumor was injected into the portal vein, or transplanted into the well of the stomach, and the following results were obtained. 1. The rate of successful gastric transplantation of the Brown-Pearce tumor was 69.8 per cent. The most favorite site of transplantation was the lesser curvature, and then in the order of pylorus, fundus, the greater curvature, paries ventroeranialis, paries dorsocaudalis. 2. The rate of growth of the transplanted tumor was also higher at the site, where the rate of successful transplantation is higher. The tumor cells were always observed in the vessels of the stomach in those cases with the liver metastasis. 3. Tumor in the lesser curvature most frequently caused the liver metastasis and then ranging from more to less frequency in the following order of that in the pylorus, fundus. the greater curvature, paries ventrocranialis. paries dorsocaudalis. 4. In the same case. the size of the liver metastasis could he classified into some kinds of grade, thus showing that the metastasis was formed with a certain interval and not continuously. 5. The same histopathological patterns were observed in the liver metastasis by portal vein injection as well as by gastric transplantation. 6. The site of the liver metastasis was mostly in the portal vessel system, that is, in the sinusoid and then in the interlobar vein, and rarely in the central vein, or in the arterial system. 7. The histological patterns of the tumor emboli in the liver showed the tendency of growth in all cases, with degenerative process at the time in some cases. This fact shows the tumor cells do not always form even if they reach the liver. 8. The tumor, which had been taken from the stomach, could easily be transplantated into the stomach of other rabbits. This tendency was also observed in case of peritoneal, omental and liver transplantation, thus the organophilic tendency was observed in the tumor transplantation.