Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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家兎骨髄体外組織培養に於ける含水炭素代謝の研究 第3編 実験的貧血家兎骨髄の含水炭素代謝並びに正常家兎骨髄含水炭素代謝に及ぼす各種薬物の影響に就て

木村 峻士 岡山大学医学部平木内科教室
70_1977.pdf 1.01 MB
In observations of carbohydrate metabolism in the bone marrow of rabbits with experimental anemias by tissue culture (Carrel's flask method) and in the studies of effects of various drugs on the carbohydrate metabolism in the bone marrow of normal rabbits by tissue culture (the same method) the following findings were obtained: 1) In the bone marrow of rabbits given benzol injection for a short period of time, the carbohydrate metabolism has been inhibited. Moreover, in the bone marrow of rabbits administered with benzol injection for a long time, or injected with phenylhydrazine, korallgol, or exposed to X-rays, the carbohydrate metabolism has been more markedly inhibited. 2) The carbohydrate metabolism has been accelerated in the bone marrow of rabbits depleted of blood. 3) In the bone marrow of rabbits injected with saponin no abnormality can be observed in the carbohydrate metabolism. 4) Vitamin B(12) and bone marrow extracts have been found to act directly upon bone marrow as to promote the carbohydrate metabolism.