Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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肺結核における副腎皮質機能 第4編 肺結核症の治療経過と肺結核患者竝に家兎の全血の結核菌増殖阻止力及び実験的家兎結核とに及ぼす副腎皮質機能異常の影響

迫 勝博 First Department of Internal Medicine, Okayama University Medical Schcol
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I have studied the influences of the adrenocortical function on the clinical process by the treatments and the obstructive actions of the tuberculous bacillus on the whole blood in the lungtuberculosis patients, besides observed the obstrutive actions of the tuberculous bacillus multiplication in the whole blood of the rabbits with the removal of the adrenal glands or with the longstanding injection of ACTH. Furthermore, I have observed the rabbits with the inoculation of tuberculous bacillus pathologically and bacteriologically. The results are as follows: (1) The clinical processes of the lungtuberculosis patients with the treatments are not influenced by the states of adrenocortical functions. (2) There are no define connecions observed between the adrenocortical functions of the lungtuberculosis patients and the obstructive acions of the tuberculous bacillus multiplication in the whole blood by the slide cell culture. (3) In the lungtuberculosis patients with the normal obstructive actions of the tuberculous bacillus multication in the whole blood, many cases show a good process with treatments. (4) In the rabbits without the infection of lungtuberculosis, the obstuctive actionst of the human type tuberculous bacillus multiplication in the whole blood are not influenced by the removal of one side of the adrenal glands or the longstanding injection of ACTH, and the obstractive actions of the oxen type tuberculous bacillus multiplication is declined by the removal of one side of the adrenal glands and the half removal of other side. (5) As the rabbits without any management, with the removal of one side of the adrenal glands and with the longstanding injection of ACTH are inoculated with tuberculous bacillus, the tuberculin reaction represents positive in the first cases and the pathogenic change is localized in the site of the inoculation, but it's reaction is strongly positive in the latter 2 cases and represents a caseaction early and highly. (6) The number of the tuberculous bacillus in the pathogenic tissue of the site with the inoculation of the bacillus and the morphologic districution are not directly influenced by the removal of the adrenal glands and the longstanding injection of ACTH.