Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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肝機能に及ぼすAcrifuranの影響 第1編 肺結核患者の肝機能

蔵田 泰郎
70_561.pdf 938 KB
I have made liver function tests for the 55 patients of lungtuberculosis and compared the results of them with the clinical findings of those patients. The results obtained were as follows: (1) Two of the liver function tests which agreed well with the clinical findings were the function of reticuloendoterial system and the function of albumin metabolism. The function of bilirubin metabolism was the next by means of the fall of serum bilirubin. (2) One of the clinical findings having the most connection with the disturbances of various liver function tests was fever. The next was the acceleration of blood sedimentation rate. The prolongation and aggravation of illness, the existence of cavity, the excretion of bacillus, the circulation spreading, the diminution of L/M ratio and the complication of intestinal tuberculosis etc. were more or less connected with the results of the liver function tests.