Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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流行性肝炎患者の指爪根部毛細血管像に関する研究 第二編 指爪根部毛細血管像と各種臨床検査成績との相関性について

庵谷 恒夫 岡山大学医学部第一内科教室
70_4593.pdf 583 KB
The capillary picture at the root of the nail was observed, comparing it with the results of the various clinical examinations, on 60 cases of hepatitis in our hospital and the correlativity between them was studies. The results are as follows. 1. The correlation between hepatomegaly and the capillary reaction is observed. 2. The correlation between splenomegaly or enlargement of the splenic dulness and the capillary reaction is observed. 3. The severe capillary reaction is observed in the cases with the decrease of hemoglobin in volume and erythrocyte in number, and also in the cases with the decrease of leucocyte in number and the remarkable increase of monocvte. 4. The correlation between the capillary reaction and the liver functions, i.d. urobilinogen and bilirubin in urine, bilirubin in serum jaundice and also the serum colloidal reaction, excretory process of foreign bodies antidotal function. The severe capillary reaction is also observed in the cases with the decreased ratio of albumin/globulin. 5. The special correlation between the sedimentation rate and the capillary reaction is not observed. 6. The correlation between the hemorrhagic tendency and the capillary reaction is not observed, but the correlation is observed in the cases with a hemorrhage on the capillary picture. 7. The opposite attitude is observed between the cases with the star-form capillary dilatation in the body surface and the capillary reaction at the root of the nail. 8. The capillary reaction has relation to the biopsy findings of the liver, especially the parenchymal damage of the liver, but no relation to the change of the Glisson's capsule. However, no differences of the capillary reaction are observed between the cases with the parenchymal and stromal change. 9. The disorder of the autonomic nervous system is greatly observed in the cases of chronic hepatitis with the normal liver function, but with the capillary reaction. 10. The capillary picture at the root of the nail is expected to achieve the important roles on making the diagnosis, observing the course and judging the prognosis of hepatitis, since it finely agrees with the results of the various clinical examinations.