Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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放射性同位元素(32)Pによる脳の燐酸代謝に関する研究 第1編 正常家兎大槽内に注入された(32)Pの脳組織各種燐酸分劃への移行について

由井 豊 岡山大学医学部第1(陣内)外科教室
70_4401.pdf 444 KB
The material for this experiment was brain tissues of normal rabbits whose cisterna magna had been previously injected with (32)P and obtained by decapitation after a fixed period of time. Decomposing phosphoric acids in the brain tissues into various fractions by Schneider's method, the author pursued the mode of (32)P migration in each fraction from the standpoint of time elements; and obtained the following results. Shortly after the injection (32)P is found to have migrated to acid-soluble fractions in the greatest amount but only little to other fractions. However, with lapse of time after the injection the rate of (32)P migration to the acid-soluble fractions decreases, especially markedly so to inorganic phosphoric acid fractions, whereas the rate of (32)P migration to phospholipid, nucleic acid, and phosphoprotein fractions gradually increases. Moreover, for a short period after (32)P injection the rate of (32)P migration to various fractions fluctuates markedly, but after 24 hours such a fluctuation in each fraction seems to diminish, apparently indicating a certain degree of stabilization.