Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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家兎骨髓体外組織培養に於ける蛋白代謝の研究 第2編 実験的貧血家兎骨髄の蛋白代謝

藤井 幸雄 岡山大学医学部平木内科教室
69_1685.pdf 804 KB
The protein metabolism of the bone marrow in experimental anemic rabbits had been studied with explanted bone marrow culture (Carrel flask method) and the following results were obtained: (1) The consumption of albumin and the production of globulin and fibrinogen, have been found to have rather decreased in the bone marrow of the rabbits given benzol for a short period of time. Next, in the case of the rabbits given benzol for a longer period of time. hypolasia of the bone marrow has been quite marked, namely, the consumption of albumin is low and production of globulin or of fibrinogen can hardly be noticed. (2) In the rabbits given saponin, the findings have been almost identical with those of the normal. (3) In the rabbits administered with phenylhydrazin or collargol, the marrow functions are low, the consumption of albumin slack, and the production of globulin and fibrinogen has been markedly low. (4) In the rabbits irradiated by x-rays, the marrow function have been completely deteriorated; namely, neither the consumption of albumin nor the production of globulin and fibrinogen can at all been seen.