Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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肝障碍時に於ける水分代謝に関する研究 第2編 実験的肝障碍時に於ける各種体液相の変動に就て

大橋 亘 岡山大学医学部第一内科教室
68_1085.pdf 648 KB
By experimental liver impairment on dogs with allyl formate or carbon tetrachloride, the circulating plasma and blood volumes and the extracelluar fluid volume were calculated by Evans blue and potassium rhodanate methods, and the results were as follows : 1. In 6 hours after an injection of allyl formate at 0.03 cc/kg or at 0.05 cc/kg the circulating plasma volume decreased remarkably but gradually, the circulating blood volme did not so change and the extracellular fluid volume increased slightly. 2. In 6 hours after an injection of carbon tetrachloride at 2.0 cc/kg, an influence was remarkably appeared on the extracellular fluid volume in a remarkable increase, while no apparent change was obtained on the circulating plasma and blood volumes. 3. To survey the change during several days after a subcutaneous injection of allyl formate at 0.03 cc/kg or of carbon tetrachloride at 0.05 cc/kg, there appeared no definite tendency on the circulating Plasma and blood volumes contrarily to a tendency to increase on the extracellular fluid Volume. 4. The changes in several days after a continuous injection of allyl formate at 0.01 cc/kg or of carbon tetrachloride at 0.1 cc/kg for 5 days declined to an increase in each volume of the above three.