Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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日本脳炎に関する実験的研究 第三報 日本脳炎罹患マウス諸臓器(肝,腎,肺,脾)に於ける核酸量,特にそれに及ぼす放射性同位元素P(32)の影響

方円 幸彦 岡山大学医学部平木内科教室
68_1013.pdf 799 KB
The mice infected with Japanese B Encephalitis were determined to the nucleic acid contents of their liver, lung, kidney and spleen in connecxion to the effects of P(32)-administration. The fractionation of these organs into DNA-and RNA-fractions was carried out by Schmidt-Thannhauser's method, where the phosphorous contents of these two fractions were determined by Fiske-Subbarow's method. In this experiment the virus was inoculated intracerebrally. The results are summarized as follows: 1. These organs were fractionated and determined to their DNA-P-and RNA-P-contents at intervals after the inoculation of virus. Slight increases in RNA-P-contents were observed in all these orgnas at the latent period. At this period DNA-P-contents in these organs were almost the same as were obtained from those organs of normal mouse, while some increases in the DNA-P-contents were observed in lung, kidney and spleen at the endstadium of latent period and at the manifestation period the same was observed in liver. This seems to imply that some variations in the nucleic acid contents take place in these organs just at the visceral phase. 2. When 10 μc. of P(32) was administered to each one of the infected mice, DNA-P-contents of lung, kidney and spleen showed slight decreases 24 hours after the administration at the latent period as compared with those obtained from the organs of the infected mice with no P(32)-adminisration at the endstadium of the latent period. The administration of P(32) further induced a slight decrease in DNA-P-content of liver at the manifestation period. 3. Administration of the same doses of P(32) to normal mice induced no appreciable changes in both DNA-P- and RNA-P-contents of lung and kidney 6 as well as 24 hours after the administration as compared with those of normal ones. But the DNA-P-contents of liver and spleen differed from those of the above two organs in that they showed slight decreases 6 hours after the P(32)-administration when compared with those of the normal one. All these results above described are thought to show that that the β-ray irradiated from P(32) is as effective as to inhibit the virus multiplication to some extent both at latent period and at manifestation period.