Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

Full-text articles are available 3 years after publication.

臓器エキス並に血液疾患々者血清の家兎臓器核酸代謝に及ぼす影響 第3編 細胞化学的研究

難波 達治 岡山大学医学部平木内科教室
67_213.pdf 546 KB
1) The nucleic acid amount that has been estimated in view to chemical determination in the previous 2 reports, have here been laid under the observation cytochemically, according to Feulgen reaction (DNA) and thionine staining (RNA). 2) Having maintained some investigations on Ketoenol substances (KES), i.e., oligonucleotide of DNA, the bone marrow KES has proved to rise in amount on occasions when slpeen extracts, essential hypochromic anemia serum, serum of Banti's syndrome have been applied. The liver KES, comparing in general to the controls, increases; above all, to a marked degree, in case of hypoplastic anemia or hookworm anemia serum is concerned. The spleen KES shows a rise in case extracts of liver and spleen, together with serum of Banti's syndrome and healthy men have been injected; also shows a great increase when serum of essential hypochromic anemia, esp., the bone-marrow extract has been employed. The kidndy KES quite increases when the bone-marrow extract, spleen extract as well as the serum of Banti's syndrome or healthy men have been applied.