Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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臓器エキス並に血液疾患々者血清の家兎臓器核酸代謝に及ぼす影響 第1編 臟器エキスの家兎臟器核酸量に及ぼす影響

難波 達治 岡山大学医学部平木内科教室
67_189.pdf 1.68 MB
After having injected intraperitoneally, such substances as extracts of the bone-marrow, liver, spleen as well as skeletal muscle, once a day, and in determining quantitatively, the nucleic acid contained in rabbit's bone marrow, liver, spleen, and kidney, in pursuit of the lapse of time, from 6 hours to 9 days, obtained results as follows: 1) The amount of organ nucleic acid (mg/100g) for a healthy rabbit proved: bonemarrow: DNA 728, RNA 45.7. liver: DNA 36.6, RNA 88.9. spleen: DNA 100.2, RNA 65.3. kidney. DNA 38.4, RNA 56.3. 2) By injection of bone marrow extract, the bone marrow DNA, after having decreased for a time, increased; so did RNA too. The liver DNA showed an increase, while, RNA decreased. The spleen DNA increased, after having decreased; RNA, ambiguous. Kidney nucleic acid proved variable, but in general showed increase in DNA. 3) By injection of liver extract, the bone-marrow nucleic acid proves increase in both the constituents, through a temporal decrease; while, RNA increases, The nucleic acid amount in the liver is indefinite but in general, proves certain decrease; kidney nucleic acid, whereas it is lacking in general in DNA, having once abated, newly increases. 4) In injection of liver extract, in general, bone marrow-DNA proves increase, while RNA increases after a decrease. In the liver, DNA shows an increase after a little time of decrease, while, RNA seen to have kept increasing in all. In the spleen, both DNA and RNA have a tencency to increase after having shown a slight decrease. As to kidney, there was observed a marked decrcase of RNA. 5) In case skeletal muscle extract has been injected, bone marrow RNA indicates more remarkable increase than with other extracts; in the liver both nucleic acids, esp. RNA increases; as to spleen, there RNA has generally been fixed; but DNA proves decrease in proprotion to the frequency of injection; while, the kidney nucleic acid show little change.