Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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骨髓自家融解液の骨髓造血に及ぼす影響 第2編 剔脾,肝障碍,網内糸填塞の影響

藤井 昌富 岡山大学医学部平木内科教室
67_13.pdf 2.46 MB
In the previous report, the author stated that there should happen a remarkably stimulated medullary hematopoiesis if the intra-abdominal injection of bone-marrow extract were successively rendered for a normal rabbit; this time, I conducted the following experiments in order to clarify whether these phenomena would activate indirectly through liver, spleen, or reticuloendotherial syetem, which are said to keep close relation with hematopoiesis, or, as Miyakawa maintained in this so-called "autohormone tbeory", functionate directly. First, having successively injected "bone-marrow extract" at 48 hours as well as 7 days after the splenectomy, the author examined its peripheral blood picture: this time, as was seen in the case of normal rabbit, biphasic blood cell increase was observed to take place, and an increase of reticulocytes number as well as a left shift of leucocytes were observed conspicuously, under the secondary blood cell increase. Consequently, it was verified that the same extract could stimulated the medullary hematopoiesis even under the influence of splenectomy. Next, by injecting likewise at 24 hours after the liver parenchymal disturbance, biphasic blood cell increase, an increase of reticulocytes number, and a left shift of leucocytes were noticed; moreover, even in case when the functions both of liver and spleen were removed at the same time, almost the same result as in the normal rabbit was obtained. In case the reticuloendotherial system was blocked with India-ink, even successive injection could not cause either increase of blood cell as well as left shift of leucocyte or improvement of intramedullary blood stream; that is to say, no medullary hematopoiesis was brought about. From the above results, the author concludes that the improvement of medullary hematopoiesis by successive intraabdominal injection of bone-marrow extract has no concern with either splenectomy or liver parenchymal disturbance, that the soundness of bone-marrow reticuloendotherial system should be indispensable requisite, and that this phenomenon might occur owing to the direct stimulation to bone-marrow parenchymal function.