Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

Full-text articles are available 3 years after publication.

惡性腫瘍疾患に於けるPhosphataseの研究 第3編 家兎副腎のPhosphataseに及ぼす影響に関する実験的研究

越宗 幸重 岡山大学医学部津田外科教室
66_1625.pdf 613 KB
By injecting urine specimens taken from patients with cancer, a variation of the contents of adrenal gland phesphatase in rabbits was observed. And the following results were obtained. 1) In normal rabbit, the average value of acid tissue phosphatase was higher than that of alkaline tissue phosphatase. 2) When the urine-extract or urine from normal adults and patients with non-malignant tumor was injected subcutaneously or intravenously, the variation of acid and alkaline adrenal gland phosphatase contents was very small. 3) When urine-extract from patients with malignant tumor was injected an increase of alkaline phosphatase contents was observed, but the increase of acid phosphatase contents was small. The value of acid and alkaline phosphatase was found normal in only those where urine-extract from patients undergoing X-ray therapy or nitrogenmusterd treatment was used for injection. 4) When urine, taken from partients with Bantis disease or other malignant tumors, were injected the same results were obtained as described above.