Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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發熱ガ黴毒血清反應ニ於ケル非特異性ニ及ボス影響ニ就テ 第IV編 Dmelcosニヨル發熱實驗ニ就テ

大道 峰雄 岡山醫科大學皮膚科泌尿器科教室
52_2575.pdf 873 KB
1) The febrile symptom by Dmercos shows about 1 hour after the injection. The maximum temperature is reached on an average about 2 hours after the injection and it is 11 hours before fever begins to fall down. 2) Viscosity, the index of refraction and the quantity of albumin at the febrile stage shows a general decrease both in the rabbitsserum that reveal non-specificity and in those that do not reveal non-specificity in the M.K.R. II. before the experiment, but the decrease is striking greater in the former than in the latter group. In the normal temperature, however, the case is exactly the reverse. 3) At the febrile stage both the increase and decrease of globulin are more striking in the rabbitsserum that has shown non-specificity than in the rabbitsserum that has not shown non-specificity, but the contrary result is observed in the normal temperature. 4) The non-specificity in the M.K.R. II. seems to have some intimate relation to the striking alteration in the quantity of globulin which is caused by the artificial fever. 5) This non-specificity is observed to reappear in a comparatively long period after the injection.