Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

Full-text articles are available 3 years after publication.


清水 光治 岡山醫科大學細菌學教室
三木 行治 岡山醫科大學細菌學教室
淺沼 清志 岡山醫科大學細菌學教室
阿部 高知 岡山醫科大學細菌學教室
宮川 文雄 岡山醫科大學細菌學教室
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S. Murakami, Y. Miki, and F. Miyagawa proved that there is a remarkable output of heteroantibody against typhoid, paratyphoid A and B, and dysentery bacilli in the animal experiment, they proceeded in 1934 to experiment with cocktyphoid-bacilli which had been obtained from cocks that had died of cocktyphoid. They were also highly successful in bringing about a state of immunity from typhoid when applying the same bacilli to rabbits. We therefore resolved to use it upon human beings, and put it into practice, per os, with 9252 peoples in all, in April, 1936. Those treated were ordinary citizens and factory-hands. As to the result, we knew that we might disregard such by-effect of the vaccinationstomach-ache, headache, diarrhoea, etc. -as we found in a mild form. When, at the end of the November of the same year, we investigated the cases of 7486 of those who had been thus vaccinated whit a view to ascertaining if there had been any outbreak of typhoid, paratyphoid A and B, or dysentery (for we cousidered that the vaccine has some influence on the latter disease also), we found among the workmen-class no outbreak of the above-mentioned diseases in the case of those who had taken the cocktyphoid-vaccine, while there were 2 dysentery patients among those who had taken Heterogen. In the case of the ordinary citizens there had occurred one typhoid and one dysentery case among those who had taken bile and the cocktyphoid-vaccine. The number of victims was, moreover, far less than among those who had not been vaccinated. What is more, the patients made very good progress. Thus we believe that the cocktyphoid-vaccine may be successfully applied orally to the human body. As for its effect upon dysentery, we consider that this should be made the subject of further study in the future.