Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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岡山県健診受診者の慢性腎臓病(CKD)認知度~ 2015年度~

内田 治仁 岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科 CKD・CVD地域連携包括医療学
杉山 斉 岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科 血液浄化療法人材育成システム開発学
宮崎 雅史 幸町記念病院
和田 淳 岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科 腎・免疫・内分泌代謝内科学
四方 賢一 岡山大学病院 新医療研究開発センター
柏原 直樹 川崎医科大学 腎臓・高血圧内科学
槇野 博史 岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科 腎・免疫・内分泌代謝内科学 ORCID Kaken ID publons researchmap
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 Public education programs about chronic kidney disease (CKD) have been performed in Okayama, Japan for the past 10 years. The present study investigated the perception of CKD in a general population in Okayama. In October and November 2015, a questionnaire survey was distributed by 12 medical centers in five medical districts in Okayama prefecture. A total of 7,022 respondents who underwent their physical checkup at these centers answered the questionnaire. In response to a questionnaire item asking about the respondent's familiarity with the term "CKD," only 4% of the respondents answered "know it well" and 10% answered "unfamiliar." In contrast, in response to a questionnaire item asking about the respondent's familiarity with "chronic kidney disease," 27% answered "know it well" and 38% answered "unfamiliar." The leading avenue by which the respondents learned about CKD/chronic kidney disease was television, followed by newspapers, magazines, and a family doctor or nurse. The leading component which the respondents considered essential for the diagnosis of CKD/chronic kidney disease was proteinuria. A stratified analysis demonstrated a higher recognition of “CKD" or “chronic kidney disease" in the medical districts in northern Okayama prefecture compared to southern Okayama prefecture. These results indicated that the awareness of CKD in Okayama prefecture is still inadequate. Many people did not appear to realize that the term “CKD" represents "chronic kidney disease". Further continuous public education efforts are required to enlighten people about CKD/chronic kidney disease.
慢性腎臓病 (chronic kidney disease)
認知度 (perception)
岡山県 (Okayama)
医療圏別 (medical distinct)
短報 (Short Communication)