Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

Full-text articles are available 3 years after publication.


八木 孝仁 岡山大学外科学第一講座 Kaken ID publons researchmap
漆原 直人 岡山大学外科学第一講座
大石 正博 岡山大学外科学第一講座
松川 啓義 岡山大学外科学第一講座
藤原 俊哉 岡山大学外科学第一講座
松野 剛 岡山大学外科学第一講座
森 雅信 岡山大学外科学第一講座
津下 宏 岡山大学外科学第一講座
高倉 範尚 岡山大学外科学第一講座
田中 紀章 岡山大学外科学第一講座
東 俊宏 岡山大学内科学第一講座
辻 孝夫 岡山大学内科学第一講座
稲垣 優 高知県立中央病院外科
貞森 裕 福山市民病院 Kaken ID publons researchmap
上川 康明 三原赤十字病院
110_1.pdf 1.65 MB
A 49-year-old female received a living related liver transplantation from her son. She had a 13-years history of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC). The preoperative 1-year survival rate and mortality after 6 months were calculated to be 6.5% and 99.3%, respectively. The graft included left bisegments weighing 435g, and was equal to 43% of the calculated standard liver volume. Massive ascites were sustained due to accompanied portal hypertension. On Postoperative day 7, she manifested massive tarry stool by portal-hypertensive colonopathy. The CT scan revealed a right subphrenic abscess on the postoparative day 14. After drainage of the abscess, the serum total billirubin level decreased to the norman range. She was descharged with extracorptreal tube dainage. On the postoperative day 169, she was readmitted due to acute elevation of the serum bilirubin level. Echography revealed selective dilatation of the hepatic bile duct in the segment 2, and suggested the presence of insufficiency of hepatico-jejunostomy in the early postoperative phase. Despite emergent PTCD, jaundice was sustained and responded poorly to steroid pulse therapy. According to tapering of oral prednisolone, the serum bilirubin level gradually decreased and reached a the plateau between 2 and 4mg/dl. The patient is currently completely free from oral steroid therapy and in receiving interventional hepaticoplasty using the YAG laser system. We concluded that living related liver transplantation is an effective transplantational option for adult end-stage liver disease.
living related
liver transplantation
primary biliary cirrhosis