Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

Full-text articles are available 3 years after publication.

水銀蒸気暴露後の生体内分布とエタノールの影響(水銀の酸化及び還元に関する試験管内及び動物実験 第3編)

倉橋 康二郎 岡山大学医学部公衆衛生学教室
101_629.pdf 4.64 MB
Ethanol, 0.8 g/kg or 1.6 g/kg was administered to mice and exposed to mercury vapor ((203)Hg(0)) with the control mice which did not receive ethanol at the concentration of 0.1-0.5mg/m3 for 10 minutes. The exhaled mercury, urinary mercury, mercury in the blood and organ distribution of mercury after 1 hour of exposure of mice administered ethanol compared with those of control mice. The results obtained were as follows. 1. The amounts of exhaled mercury in the mice treated with ethanol were more than that in control mice; and the exhalations of human who receive ethanol will overestimate the true concentration of exposure in the Biological Monitoring. 2. The mercury concentrations in the blood of mice treated with ethanol were less than the control mice. The bloods of human who receive ethanol underestimate the true concentration of exposure in the Biological Monitoring. 3. The concentrations of mercury of urine corrected at a urinary density of 1.024 in mice treated with ethanol at 0.8 g/kg is more, and at 1.6 g/kg is less than the control. The urines of human who receive ethanol in low quantity will overestimate and in high quantity will underestimate the true concentration in the Boilogical Monitoring. 4. The concentrations of mercury of urine corrected at a urinary density of 1.024 have a significant regression to the mercury concentration in the kidney and not to the blood in all group (ethanol and control).
mercuric vapor