Annual report / Institute of Plant Science and Resources, Okayama University

Published by Institute of Plant Science and Resources, Okayama University

ISSN 2186-4918


佐藤 和広 岡山大学 ORCID Kaken ID publons researchmap
武田 和義 岡山大学
The inheritance and linkage relationship of a new hairiness trait "large trichome" was investigated in barley. Although the size of large trichome is about four times that of normal one, the character can not be recognized with the naked eye. However, it is easily identified by the roughness of leaf touch. The large trichomes develop on both sides of the leaf blades. The direction of trichome is both acropetal and basipetal. It is clearly distinguished from the extremely long trichome controlled by Pub gene. About 2,300 varieties of our Barley Germplasm Center were screened by the leaf touch to find nine varieties with large trichome. Two of them were six-rowed local variety from Pakistan, and other seven were two-rowed varieties from Europe and Japan. All of them were hulled type. Crosses of six large trichome varieties with a normal Japanese variety resulted in the large trichome type F1s, suggesting the dominant nature of the trait. The large trichome line Hokuiku 17 was crossed with various linkage testres to study the mode of inheritance and the linkage relationship of the gene. In the F2 populations, the large trichome was controlled by a single dominant gene named Ltr (large trichome), which was independentiy inherited from the following marker genes; br and gl-5 on chromosome 1; li and ν on chromosome 2; uz on chromosome 3; K and gl-3 on chromosome 4; trd on chromosome 5; ο on chromosome 6. On the other hand, from the cross between Hokuiku 17 and OUL166, Ltr was found to be linked with s and fs on chromosome 7. Although the allelism test has not been completed, the very low frequency of the large trichome type (9/2,300) indicates that the variant resulted from a recent mutation event, or the fitness of the variant is low in the natural and/or artificial selection.
Linkage analysis